On-sky commissioning of MAROON-X: A new precision radial velocity spectrograph for Gemini North

الملخص بالإنكليزية

MAROON-X is a fiber-fed, red-optical, high precision radial velocity spectrograph recently commissioned at the Gemini North telescope on Mauna Kea, Hawaii. With a resolving power of 85,000 and a wavelength coverage of 500-920 nm, it delivers radial velocity measurements for late K and M dwarfs with sub-50 cm s$^{-1}$ precision. MAROON-X is currently the only optical EPRV spectrograph on a 8m-class telescope in the northern hemisphere and the only EPRV instrument on a large telescope with full access by the entire US community. We report here on the results of the commissioning campaign in December 2019 and early science results.

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