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Constraints on black-hole charges with the 2017 EHT observations of M87*

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 نشر من قبل Prashant Kocherlakota
 تاريخ النشر 2021
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Our understanding of strong gravity near supermassive compact objects has recently improved thanks to the measurements made by the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT). We use here the M87* shadow size to infer constraints on the physical charges of a large variety of nonrotating or rotating black holes. For example, we show that the quality of the measurements is already sufficient to rule out that M87* is a highly charged dilaton black hole. Similarly, when considering black holes with two physical and independent charges, we are able to exclude considerable regions of the space of parameters for the doubly-charged dilaton and the Sen black holes.

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Slightly more than two years ago the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) team presented the first image reconstruction around shadow for the supermassive black hole in centre of M87. It gives an opportunity to evaluate the shadow size. Recently, the EHT te am constrained parameters (charges) of spherical symmetrical metrics of black holes from an estimated allowed interval for shadow radius from observations of M87*. In our papers we obtained analytical expressions for shadow radius as a function of charge (including a tidal one) in the case of the case of Reissner -- Nordstrom metric. Some time ago Bin-Nun proposed to apply Reissner -- Nordstrom metric with a tidal charge as an alternative to the Schwarzschild metric in Sgr A*. If we assume that Reissner -- Nordstrom black hole with a tidal charge exists in M87*, therefore, based on results of shadow evaluation for M87* done by the EHT team we constrain a tidal charge. Similarly, we evaluate a tidal charge from shadow size estimates for Sgr A*.
Combined with the observation of M87*, shadow has gradually became a promising test of the black hole nature. Recently, EHT collaboration gave new constraints on the shadow size at 68% confidence levels. In this work, we consider the new constrains o n the black hole spin and charge for the Kerr and Kerr-Newmann black holes via the local curvature radius. For the Kerr black holes, the cases with high spin and large inclination angle are ruled out. For the Kerr-Newmann black holes, two new characteristic constrained patterns for low and high black hole spins are given. Near extremal black holes are always excluded unless for the high spin and low inclination angle. Moreover, we find that low black hole spin and charge can pass these constraints as expected. These results suggest that this approach of curvature radius is effective on constraining black hole parameters. We expect the local concept of the curvature radius will play a more important role on the study of the black hole shadow in the further.
We carry out general relativistic ray-tracing radiative-transfer calculations to study whether a localized emission from $e^{pm}$ plasma rings created at the stagnation surface in the jet funnel, to which we refer as stagnation rings, can explain the ring image of M87 observed by Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) 2017. The resultant images consist of the direct image of the stagnation rings and the ring images formed via the strong deflection by the black-hole (BH) gravity, to which we refer as quasi photon-ring. For the model with the BH spin $a_* = 0.99$, the direct image of the counter-jet and quasi photon-ring are almost coincident to the photon ring with diameter $sim 40 mu{rm as}$, while the approaching jet shows the small ring-image inside them. The synthetic observation image assuming the EHT 2017 array is consistent with that observed in M87, because the array is a bit sparse to detect the inner ring image. This indicates that the ring image in M87 might contain the important feature of the jet bases in addition to the photon ring. We find that forthcoming EHT observations can resolve the stagnation-ring image and may enable us to explore the plasma-injection mechanism into the jet funnel.
The 2017 Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) observations of the central source in M87 have led to the first measurement of the size of a black-hole shadow. This observation offers a new and clean gravitational test of the black-hole metric in the strong-f ield regime. We show analytically that spacetimes that deviate from the Kerr metric but satisfy weak-field tests can lead to large deviations in the predicted black-hole shadows that are inconsistent with even the current EHT measurements. We use numerical calculations of regular, parametric, non-Kerr metrics to identify the common characteristic among these different parametrizations that control the predicted shadow size. We show that the shadow-size measurements place significant constraints on deviation parameters that control the second post-Newtonian and higher orders of each metric and are, therefore, inaccessible to weak-field tests. The new constraints are complementary to those imposed by observations of gravitational waves from stellar-mass sources.
182 - Jian-Min Wang 2008
The rapid TeV $gamma-$ray variability detected in the well-known nearby radio galaxy M87 implies an extremely compact emission region (5-10 Schwarzschild radii) near the horizon of the supermassive black hole in the galactic center. TeV photons are a ffected by dilution due to interaction with the radiation field of the advection-dominated accretion flow (ADAF) around the black hole, and can thus be used to probe the innermost regions around the black hole. We calculate the optical depth of the ADAF radiation field to the TeV photons and find it strongly depends on the spin of the black hole. We find that transparent radii of 10 TeV photons are of $5R_{rm S}$ and $13R_{rm S}$ for the maximally rotating and non-rotating black holes, respectively. With the observations, the calculated transparent radii strongly suggest the black hole is spinning fast in the galaxy. TeV photons could be used as a powerful diagnostic for estimating black hole spins in galaxies in the future.
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