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Continual Learning on the Edge with TensorFlow Lite

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 نشر من قبل Vassilis Vassiliades
 تاريخ النشر 2021
  مجال البحث الهندسة المعلوماتية
والبحث باللغة English

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Deploying sophisticated deep learning models on embedded devices with the purpose of solving real-world problems is a struggle using todays technology. Privacy and data limitations, network connection issues, and the need for fast model adaptation are some of the challenges that constitute todays approaches unfit for many applications on the edge and make real-time on-device training a necessity. Google is currently working on tackling these challenges by embedding an experimental transfer learning API to their TensorFlow Lite, machine learning library. In this paper, we show that although transfer learning is a good first step for on-device model training, it suffers from catastrophic forgetting when faced with more realistic scenarios. We present this issue by testing a simple transfer learning model on the CORe50 benchmark as well as by demonstrating its limitations directly on an Android application we developed. In addition, we expand the TensorFlow Lite library to include continual learning capabilities, by integrating a simple replay approach into the head of the current transfer learning model. We test our continual learning model on the CORe50 benchmark to show that it tackles catastrophic forgetting, and we demonstrate its ability to continually learn, even under non-ideal conditions, using the application we developed. Finally, we open-source the code of our Android application to enable developers to integrate continual learning to their own smartphone applications, as well as to facilitate further development of continual learning functionality into the TensorFlow Lite environment.

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اقرأ أيضاً

Deep learning inference on embedded devices is a burgeoning field with myriad applications because tiny embedded devices are omnipresent. But we must overcome major challenges before we can benefit from this opportunity. Embedded processors are sever ely resource constrained. Their nearest mobile counterparts exhibit at least a 100 -- 1,000x difference in compute capability, memory availability, and power consumption. As a result, the machine-learning (ML) models and associated ML inference framework must not only execute efficiently but also operate in a few kilobytes of memory. Also, the embedded devices ecosystem is heavily fragmented. To maximize efficiency, system vendors often omit many features that commonly appear in mainstream systems, including dynamic memory allocation and virtual memory, that allow for cross-platform interoperability. The hardware comes in many flavors (e.g., instruction-set architecture and FPU support, or lack thereof). We introduce TensorFlow Lite Micro (TF Micro), an open-source ML inference framework for running deep-learning models on embedded systems. TF Micro tackles the efficiency requirements imposed by embedded-system resource constraints and the fragmentation challenges that make cross-platform interoperability nearly impossible. The framework adopts a unique interpreter-based approach that provides flexibility while overcoming these challenges. This paper explains the design decisions behind TF Micro and describes its implementation details. Also, we present an evaluation to demonstrate its low resource requirement and minimal run-time performance overhead.
Online continual learning (OCL) refers to the ability of a system to learn over time from a continuous stream of data without having to revisit previously encountered training samples. Learning continually in a single data pass is crucial for agents and robots operating in changing environments and required to acquire, fine-tune, and transfer increasingly complex representations from non-i.i.d. input distributions. Machine learning models that address OCL must alleviate textit{catastrophic forgetting} in which hidden representations are disrupted or completely overwritten when learning from streams of novel input. In this chapter, we summarize and discuss recent deep learning models that address OCL on sequential input through the use (and combination) of synaptic regularization, structural plasticity, and experience replay. Different implementations of replay have been proposed that alleviate catastrophic forgetting in connectionists architectures via the re-occurrence of (latent representations of) input sequences and that functionally resemble mechanisms of hippocampal replay in the mammalian brain. Empirical evidence shows that architectures endowed with experience replay typically outperform architectures without in (online) incremental learning tasks.
128 - Sohee Kim , Seungkyu Lee 2021
Continual learning is a concept of online learning with multiple sequential tasks. One of the critical barriers of continual learning is that a network should learn a new task keeping the knowledge of old tasks without access to any data of the old t asks. In this paper, we propose a neuron activation importance-based regularization method for stable continual learning regardless of the order of tasks. We conduct comprehensive experiments on existing benchmark data sets to evaluate not just the stability and plasticity of our method with improved classification accuracy also the robustness of the performance along the changes of task order.
Recent breakthroughs in self-supervised learning show that such algorithms learn visual representations that can be transferred better to unseen tasks than joint-training methods relying on task-specific supervision. In this paper, we found that the similar holds in the continual learning con-text: contrastively learned representations are more robust against the catastrophic forgetting than jointly trained representations. Based on this novel observation, we propose a rehearsal-based continual learning algorithm that focuses on continually learning and maintaining transferable representations. More specifically, the proposed scheme (1) learns representations using the contrastive learning objective, and (2) preserves learned representations using a self-supervised distillation step. We conduct extensive experimental validations under popular benchmark image classification datasets, where our method sets the new state-of-the-art performance.
We introduce TensorFlow Agents, an efficient infrastructure paradigm for building parallel reinforcement learning algorithms in TensorFlow. We simulate multiple environments in parallel, and group them to perform the neural network computation on a b atch rather than individual observations. This allows the TensorFlow execution engine to parallelize computation, without the need for manual synchronization. Environments are stepped in separate Python processes to progress them in parallel without interference of the global interpreter lock. As part of this project, we introduce BatchPPO, an efficient implementation of the proximal policy optimization algorithm. By open sourcing TensorFlow Agents, we hope to provide a flexible starting point for future projects that accelerates future research in the field.

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