The large-period limit for equations of discrete turbulence

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We consider the damped/driven cubic NLS equation on the torus of a large period $L$ with a small nonlinearity of size $lambda$, a properly scaled random forcing and dissipation. We examine its solutions under the subsequent limit when first $lambdato 0$ and then $Lto infty$. The first limit, called the limit of discrete turbulence, is known to exist, and in this work we study the second limit $Ltoinfty$ for solutions to the equations of discrete turbulence. Namely, we decompose the solutions to formal series in amplitude and study the second order truncation of this series. We prove that the energy spectrum of the truncated solutions becomes close to solutions of a damped/driven nonlinear wave kinetic equation. Kinetic nonlinearity of the latter is similar to that which usually appears in works on wave turbulence, but is different from it (in particular, it is non-autonomous). Apart from tools from analysis and stochastic analysis, our work uses two powerful results from the number theory.

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