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SYK meets non-Hermiticity II: measurement-induced phase transition

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 نشر من قبل Shaokai Jian
 تاريخ النشر 2021
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We construct Brownian Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev (SYK) chains subjected to continuous monitoring and explore possible entanglement phase transitions therein. We analytically derive the effective action in the large-$N$ limit and show that an entanglement transition is caused by the symmetry breaking in the enlarged replica space. In the noninteracting case with SYK$_2$ chains, the model features a continuous $O(2)$ symmetry between two replicas and a transition corresponding to spontaneous breaking of that symmetry upon varying the measurement rate. In the symmetry broken phase at low measurement rate, the emergent replica criticality associated with the Goldstone mode leads to a log-scaling entanglement entropy that can be attributed to the free energy of vortices. In the symmetric phase at higher measurement rate, the entanglement entropy obeys area-law scaling. In the interacting case, the continuous $O(2)$ symmetry is explicitly lowered to a discrete $C_4$ symmetry, giving rise to volume-law entanglement entropy in the symmetry-broken phase due to the enhanced linear free energy cost of domain walls compared to vortices. The interacting transition is described by $C_4$ symmetry breaking. We also verify the large-$N$ critical exponents by numerically solving the Schwinger-Dyson equation.

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اقرأ أيضاً

Recently, the steady states of non-unitary free fermion dynamics are found to exhibit novel critical phases with power-law squared correlations and a logarithmic subsystem entanglement. In this work, we theoretically understand the underlying physics by constructing solvable static/Brownian quadratic Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev chains with non-Hermitian dynamics. We find the action of the replicated system generally shows (one or infinite copies of) $O(2)times O(2)$ symmetries, which is broken to $O(2)$ by the saddle-point solution. This leads to an emergent conformal field theory of the Goldstone modes. We derive their effective action and obtain the universal critical behaviors of squared correlators. Furthermore, the entanglement entropy of a subsystem $A$ with length $L_A$ corresponds to the energy of the half-vortex pair $Ssim rho_s log L_A$, where $rho_s$ is the stiffness of the Goldstone mode. We also discuss special limits where more than one Goldstone mode exists and comment on interaction effects.
149 - K. L. Zhang , H. C. Wu , L. Jin 2019
Non-Hermiticity can vary the topology of system, induce topological phase transition, and even invalidate the conventional bulk-boundary correspondence. Here, we show the introducing of non-Hermiticity without affecting the topological properties of the original chiral symmetric Hermitian systems. Conventional bulk-boundary correspondence holds, topological phase transition and the (non)existence of edge states are unchanged even though the energy bands are inseparable due to non-Hermitian phase transition. Chern number for energy bands of the generalized non-Hermitian system in two dimension is proved to be unchanged and favorably coincides with the simulated topological charge pumping. Our findings provide insights into the interplay between non-Hermiticity and topology. Topological phase transition independent of non-Hermitian phase transition is a unique feature that beneficial for future applications of non-Hermitian topological materials.
206 - S. Nellutla , M. Pati , Y.-J. Jo 2009
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