3-colorability of graphs with minimum degree at least 6

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Let $G$ be an $n$-vertex graph and let $L:V(G)rightarrow P({1,2,3})$ be a list assignment over the vertices of $G$, where each vertex with list of size 3 and of degree at most 5 has at least three neighbors with lists of size 2. We can determine $L$-choosability of $G$ in $O(1.3196^{n_3+.5n_2})$ time, where $n_i$ is the number of vertices in $G$ with list of size $i$ for $iin {2,3}$. As a corollary, we conclude that the 3-colorability of any graph $G$ with minimum degree at least 6 can be determined in $O(1.3196^{n-.5Delta(G)})$ time.

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