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Efficient estimation of Pauli observables by derandomization

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 نشر من قبل Hsin-Yuan Huang
 تاريخ النشر 2021
والبحث باللغة English

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We consider the problem of jointly estimating expectation values of many Pauli observables, a crucial subroutine in variational quantum algorithms. Starting with randomized measurements, we propose an efficient derandomization procedure that iteratively replaces random single-qubit measurements with fixed Pauli measurements; the resulting deterministic measurement procedure is guaranteed to perform at least as well as the randomized one. In particular, for estimating any $L$ low-weight Pauli observables, a deterministic measurement on only of order $log(L)$ copies of a quantum state suffices. In some cases, for example when some of the Pauli observables have a high weight, the derandomized procedure is substantially better than the randomized one. Specifically, numerical experiments highlight the advantages of our derandomized protocol over various previous methods for estimating the ground-state energies of small molecules.

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اقرأ أيضاً

152 - David Collins 2012
The accuracy of any physical scheme used to estimate the parameter describing the strength of a single qubit Pauli channel can be quantified using standard techniques from quantum estimation theory. It is known that the optimal estimation scheme, wit h m channel invocations, uses initial states for the systems which are pure and unentangled and provides an uncertainty of O[1/m^(1/2)]. This protocol is analogous to a classical repetition and averaging scheme. We consider estimation schemes where the initial states available are not pure and compare a protocol involving quantum correlated states to independent state protocols analogous to classical repetition schemes. We show, that unlike the pure state case, the quantum correlated state protocol can yield greater estimation accuracy than any independent state protocol. We show that these gains persist even when the system states are separable and, in some cases, when quantum discord is absent after channel invocation. We describe the relevance of these protocols to nuclear magnetic resonance measurements.
Motivated by estimation of quantum noise models, we study the problem of learning a Pauli channel, or more generally the Pauli error rates of an arbitrary channel. By employing a novel reduction to the Population Recovery problem, we give an extremel y simple algorithm that learns the Pauli error rates of an $n$-qubit channel to precision $epsilon$ in $ell_infty$ using just $O(1/epsilon^2) log(n/epsilon)$ applications of the channel. This is optimal up to the logarithmic factors. Our algorithm uses only unentangled state preparation and measurements, and the post-measurement classical runtime is just an $O(1/epsilon)$ factor larger than the measurement data size. It is also impervious to a limited model of measurement noise where heralded measurement failures occur independently with probability $le 1/4$. We then consider the case where the noise channel is close to the identity, meaning that the no-error outcome occurs with probability $1-eta$. In the regime of small $eta$ we extend our algorithm to achieve multiplicative precision $1 pm epsilon$ (i.e., additive precision $epsilon eta$) using just $Obigl(frac{1}{epsilon^2 eta}bigr) log(n/epsilon)$ applications of the channel.
We show that entangled measurements provide an exponential advantage in sample complexity for Pauli channel estimation, which is both a fundamental problem and a practically important subroutine for benchmarking near-term quantum devices. The specifi c task we consider is to learn the eigenvalues of an $n$-qubit Pauli channel to precision $varepsilon$ in $l_infty$ distance. We give an estimation protocol with an $n$-qubit ancilla that succeeds with high probability using only $O(n/varepsilon^{2})$ copies of the Pauli channel, while prove that any ancilla-free protocol (possibly with adaptive control and channel concatenation) would need at least $Omega(2^{n/3})$ rounds of measurement. We further study the advantages provided by a small number of ancillas. For the case that a $k$-qubit ancilla ($kle n$) is available, we obtain a sample complexity lower bound of $Omega(2^{(n-k)/3})$ for any non-concatenating protcol, and a stronger lower bound of $Omega(n2^{n-k})$ for any non-adaptive, non-concatenating protocol. The latter is shown to be tight by explicitly constructing a $k$-qubit-ancilla-assisted estimation protocol. We also show how to apply the ancilla-assisted estimation protocol to a practical quantum benchmarking task in a noise-resilient and sample-efficient manner, given reasonable noise assumptions. Our results provide a practically-interesting example for quantum advantages in property learning and also bring new insight for quantum benchmarking.
Sequential weak measurements of non-commuting observables is not only fundamentally interesting in quantum measurement but also shown potential in various applications. The previous reported methods, however, can only realize limited sequential weak measurements experimentally. In this Letter, we propose the realization of sequential measurements of arbitrary observables and experimentally demonstrate for the first time the measurement of sequential weak values of three non-commuting Pauli observables by using genuine single photons. The results presented here will not only improve our understanding of quantum measurement, e.g. testing quantum contextuality, macroscopic realism, and uncertainty relation, but also have many applications such as realizing counterfactual computation, direct process tomography, direct measurement of the density matrix and unbounded randomness certification.
123 - Harry Buhrman 1998
We prove lower bounds on the error probability of a quantum algorithm for searching through an unordered list of N items, as a function of the number T of queries it makes. In particular, if T=O(sqrt{N}) then the error is lower bounded by a constant. If we want error <1/2^N then we need T=Omega(N) queries. We apply this to show that a quantum computer cannot do much better than a classical computer when amplifying the success probability of an RP-machine. A classical computer can achieve error <=1/2^k using k applications of the RP-machine, a quantum computer still needs at least ck applications for this (when treating the machine as a black-box), where c>0 is a constant independent of k. Furthermore, we prove a lower bound of Omega(sqrt{log N}/loglog N) queries for quantum bounded-error search of an ordered list of N items.
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