Unicity on entire function concerning its differential polynomials in Several complex variables

الملخص بالإنكليزية

In this paper, we study the uniqueness of the differential polynomials of entire functions. We prove the following result: Let $f(z)$ be a nonconstant entire function on $mathbb{C}^{n}$ and $g(z)=b_{-1}+sum_{i=0}^{n}b_{i}D^{k_{i}}f(z)$, where $b_{-1}$ and $b_{i} (i=0ldots,n)$ are small meromorphic functions of $f$, $k_{i}geq0 (i=0ldots,n)$ are integers. Let $a_{1}(z) otequivinfty, a_{2}(z) otequivinfty$ be two distinct small meromorphic functions of $f(z)$. If $f(z)$ and $g(z)$ share $a_{1}(z)$ CM, and $a_{2}(z)$ IM. Then either $f(z)equiv g(z)$ or $a_{1}=2a_{1}=2$, $$f(z)equiv e^{2p}-2e^{p}+2,$$ and $$g(z)equiv e^{p},$$ where $p(z)$ is a non-constant entire function on $mathbb{C}^{n}$.

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