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Symmetry-protected gates of Majorana qubits in a high-$T_c$ superconductor platform

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 نشر من قبل Yuxuan Wang
 تاريخ النشر 2021
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We propose a platform for braiding Majorana non-Abelian anyons based on a heterostructure between a $d$-wave high-$T_c$ superconductor and a quantum spin-Hall insulator. It has been recently shown that such a setup for a quantum spin-Hall insulator leads to a pair of Majorana zero modes at each corner of the sample, and thus can be regarded as a higher-order topological superconductor. We show that upon applying a Zeeman field in the region, these Majorana modes split in space and can be manipulated for braiding processes by tuning the field and pairing phase. We show that such a setup can achieve full braiding, exchanging, and arbitrary phase gates (including the $pi/8$ magic gates) of the Majorana zero modes, all of which are robust and protected by symmetries. As many of the ingredients of our proposed platform have been realized in recent experiments, our results provide a new route toward universal topological quantum computation.

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اقرأ أيضاً

We propose and study a realistic model for the decoherence of topological qubits, based on Majorana fermions in one-dimensional topological superconductors. The source of decoherence is the fluctuating charge on a capacitively coupled gate, modeled b y non-interacting electrons. In this context, we clarify the role of quantum fluctuations and thermal fluctuations and find that quantum fluctuations do not lead to decoherence, while thermal fluctuations do. We explicitly calculate decay times due to thermal noise and give conditions for the gap size in the topological superconductor and the gate temperature. Based on this result, we provide simple rules for gate geometries and materials optimized for reducing the negative effect of thermal charge fluctuations on the gate.
Symmetry-protected topological superconductors (TSCs) can host multiple Majorana zero modes (MZMs) at their edges or vortex cores, while whether the Majorana braiding in such systems is non-Abelian in general remains an open question. Here we uncover in theory the unitary symmetry-protected non-Abelian statisitcs of MZMs and propose the experimental realization. We show that braiding two vortices with each hosting $N$ unitary symmetry-protected MZMs generically reduces to $N$ independent sectors, with each sector braiding two different Majorana modes. This renders the unitary symmetry-protected non-Abelian statistics. As a concrete example, we demonstrate the proposed non-Abelian statistics in a spin-triplet TSC which hosts two MZMs at each vortex and, interestingly, can be precisely mapped to a quantum anomalous Hall insulator. Thus the unitary symmetry-protected non-Abelian statistics can be verified in the latter insulating phase, with the application to realizing various topological quantum gates being studied. Finally, we propose a novel experimental scheme to realize the present study in an optical Raman lattice. Our work opens a new route for Majorana-based topological quantum computation.
Multiple zero-energy Majorana fermions (MFs) with spatially overlapping wave functions can survive only if their splitting is prevented by an underlying symmetry. Here we show that, in quasi-one-dimensional (Q1D) time reversal invariant topological s uperconductors (class DIII), a realistic model for superconducting lithium molybdenum purple bronze and certain families of organic superconductors, multiple Majorana-Kramers pairs with strongly overlapping wave functions persist at zero energy even in the absence of an easily identifiable symmetry. We find that similar results hold in the case of Q1D semiconductor-superconductor heterostructures (class D) with transverse hopping t_{perp} much smaller than longitudinal hopping t_x. Our results, explained in terms of special properties of the Hamiltonian and wave functions, underscore the importance of hidden accidental symmetries in topological superconductors.
Time-reversal invariant topological superconductors are characterized by the presence of Majorana Kramers pairs localized at defects. One of the transport signatures of Majorana Kramers pairs is the quantized differential conductance of $4e^2/h$ when such a one-dimensional superconductor is coupled to a normal-metal lead. The resonant Andreev reflection, responsible for this phenomenon, can be understood as the boundary condition change for lead electrons at low energies. In this paper, we study the stability of the Andreev reflection fixed point with respect to electron-electron interactions in the Luttinger liquid. We first calculate the phase diagram for the Luttinger liquid-Majorana Kramers pair junction and show that its low-energy properties are determined by Andreev reflection scattering processes in the spin-triplet channel, i.e. the corresponding Andreev boundary conditions are similar to that in a spin-triplet superconductor - normal lead junction. We also study here a quantum dot coupled to a normal lead and a Majorana Kramers pair and investigate the effect of local repulsive interactions leading to an interplay between Kondo and Majorana correlations. Using a combination of renormalization group analysis and slave-boson mean-field theory, we show that the system flows to a new fixed point which is controlled by the Majorana interaction rather than the Kondo coupling. This Majorana fixed point is characterized by correlations between the localized spin and the fermion parity of each spin sector of the topological superconductor. We investigate the stability of the Majorana phase with respect to Gaussian fluctuations.
178 - E.V.L. de Mello 2001
We report simultaneous hydrostatic pressure studies on the critical temperature $T_c$ and on the pseudogap temperature $T^*$ performed through resistivity measurements on an optimally doped high-$T_c$ oxide $Hg_{0.82}Re_{0.18}Ba_2Ca_2Cu_3O_{8+delta}$ . The resistivity is measured as function of the temperature for several different applied pressure below 1GPa. We find that both $T_c$ and $T^*$ increases linearly with the pressure. This result demonstrate that the well known intrinsic pressure effect on $T_c$ is also present at $T^*$ and both temperatures are originated by the same superconducting mechanism.
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