Separated transport relaxation scales and interband scattering in SrRuO$_3$, CaRuO$_3$, and Sr$_2$RuO$_4$ thin films

الملخص بالإنكليزية

The anomalous charge transport observed in some strongly correlated metals raises questions as to the universal applicability of Landau Fermi liquid theory. The coherence temperature $T_{FL}$ for normal metals is usually taken to be the temperature below which $T^2$ is observed in the resistivity. Below this temperature, a Fermi liquid with well-defined quasiparticles is expected. However, metallic ruthenates in the Ruddlesden-Popper family, frequently show non-Drude low-energy optical conductivity and unusual $omega/T$ scaling, despite the frequent observation of $T^2$ dc resistivity. Herein we report time-domain THz spectroscopy measurements of several different high-quality metallic ruthenate thin films and show that the optical conductivity can be interpreted in more conventional terms. In all materials, the conductivity has a two-Drude peak lineshape at low temperature and a crossover to a one-Drude peak lineshape at higher temperatures. The two-component low-temperature conductivity is indicative of two well-separated current relaxation rates for different conduction channels. We discuss three particular possibilities for the separation of rates: (a) Strongly energy-dependent inelastic scattering; (b) an almost-conserved pseudomomentum operator that overlaps with the current, giving rise to the narrower Drude peak; (c) the presence of multiple conduction channels that undergoes a crossover to stronger interband scattering at higher temperatures. None of these scenarios require the existence of exotic quasiparticles. The results may give insight into the possible significance of Hunds coupling in determining interband coupling in these materials. Our results also show a route towards understanding the violation of Matthiessens rule in this class of materials and deviations from the Gurzhi scaling relations in Fermi liquids.

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