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Higher-order uncertainty bounds for mixed states

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 نشر من قبل Dorje C. Brody Professor
 تاريخ النشر 2020
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Uncertainty lower bounds for parameter estimations associated with a unitary family of mixed-state density matrices are obtained by embedding the space of density matrices in the Hilbert space of square-root density matrices. In the Hilbert-space setup the measure of uncertainty is given by the skew information of the second kind, while the uncertainty lower bound is given by the Wigner-Yanase skew information associated with the conjugate observable. Higher-order corrections to the uncertainty lower bound are determined by higher-order quantum skew moments; expressions for these moments are worked out in closed form.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

156 - D.A. Trifonov 1999
The three ways of generalization of canonical coherent states are briefly reviewed and compared with the emphasis laid on the (minimum) uncertainty way. The characteristic uncertainty relations, which include the Schroedinger and Robertson inequaliti es, are extended to the case of several states. It is shown that the standard SU(1,1) and SU(2) coherent states are the unique states which minimize the second order characteristic inequality for the three generators. A set of states which minimize the Schroedinger inequality for the Hermitian components of the su_q(1,1) ladder operator is also constructed. It is noted that the characteristic uncertainty relations can be written in the alternative complementary form.
246 - Elie Wolfe , S.F. Yelin 2013
Separability criteria are typically of the necessary, but not sufficient, variety, in that satisfying some separability criterion, such as positivity of eigenvalues under partial transpose, does not strictly imply separability. Certifying separabilit y amounts to proving the existence of a decomposition of a target mixed state into some convex combination of separable states; determining the existence of such a decomposition is hard. We show that it is effective to ask, instead, if the target mixed state fits some preconstructed separable form, in that one can generate a sufficient separability criterion relevant to all target states in some family by ensuring enough degrees of freedom in the preconstructed separable form. We demonstrate this technique by inducing a sufficient criterion for diagonally symmetric states of N qubits. A sufficient separability criterion opens the door to study precisely how entanglement is (not) formed; we use ours to prove that, counterintuitively, entanglement is not generated in idealized Dicke model superradiance despite its exemplification of many-body effects. We introduce a quantification of the extent to which a given preconstructed parametrization comprises the set of all separable states; for diagonally symmetric states our preconstruction is shown to be fully complete. This implies that our criterion is necessary in addition to sufficient, among other ramifications which we explore.
262 - Andreas Osterloh 2014
I generalize the concept of balancedness to qudits with arbitrary dimension $d$. It is an extension of the concept of balancedness in New J. Phys. {bf 12}, 075025 (2010) [1]. At first, I define maximally entangled states as being the stochastic state s (with local reduced density matrices $id/d$ for a $d$-dimensional local Hilbert space) that are not product states and show that every so-defined maximal genuinely multi-qudit entangled state is balanced. Furthermore, all irreducibly balanced states are genuinely multi-qudit entangled and are locally equivalent with respect to $SL(d)$ transformations (i.e. the local filtering transformations (LFO)) to a maximally entangled state. In particular the concept given here gives the maximal genuinely multi-qudit entangled states for general local Hilbert space dimension $d$. All genuinely multi-qudit entangled states are an element of the partly balanced $SU(d)$-orbits.
In this work we study various notions of uncertainty for angular momentum in the spin-s representation of SU(2). We characterize the uncertainty regions given by all vectors, whose components are specified by the variances of the three angular moment um components. A basic feature of this set is a lower bound for the sum of the three variances. We give a method for obtaining optimal lower bounds for uncertainty regions for general operator triples, and evaluate these for small s. Further lower bounds are derived by generalizing the technique by which Robertson obtained his state-dependent lower bound. These are optimal for large s, since they are saturated by states taken from the Holstein-Primakoff approximation. We show that, for all s, all variances are consistent with the so-called vector model, i.e., they can also be realized by a classical probability measure on a sphere of radius sqrt(s(s+1)). Entropic uncertainty relations can be discussed similarly, but are minimized by different states than those minimizing the variances for small s. For large s the Maassen-Uffink bound becomes sharp and we explicitly describe the extremalizing states. Measurement uncertainty, as recently discussed by Busch, Lahti and Werner for position and momentum, is introduced and a generalized observable (POVM) which minimizes the worst case measurement uncertainty of all angular momentum components is explicitly determined, along with the minimal uncertainty. The output vectors for the optimal measurement all have the same length r(s), where r(s)/s goes to 1 as s tends to infinity.
Lagrangian descriptions of irreducible and reducible integer higher-spin representations of the Poincare group subject to a Young tableaux $Y[hat{s}_1,hat{s}_2]$ with two columns are constructed within a metric-like formulation in a $d$-dimensional f lat space-time on the basis of a BRST approach extending the results of [arXiv:1412.0200[hep-th]]. A Lorentz-invariant resolution of the BRST complex within both the constrained and unconstrained BRST formulations produces a gauge-invariant Lagrangian entirely in terms of the initial tensor field $Phi_{[mu]_{hat{s}_1}, [mu]_{hat{s}_2}}$ subject to $Y[hat{s}_1,hat{s}_2]$ with an additional tower of gauge parameters realizing the $(hat{s}_1-1)$-th stage of reducibility with a specific dependence on the value $(hat{s}_1-hat{s}_2)=0,1,...,hat{s}_1$. Minimal BRST--BV action is suggested, being proper solution to the master equation in the minimal sector and providing objects appropriate to construct interacting Lagrangian formulations with mixed-antisymmetric fields in a general framework.
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