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Dynamics in a phase model of half-center oscillator: two neurons with excitatory coupling

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 نشر من قبل Tatiana Levanova
 تاريخ النشر 2020
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English

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A minimalistic model of the half-center oscillator is proposed. Within it, we consider dynamics of two excitable neurons interacting by means of the excitatory coupling. In the parameter space of the model, we identify the regions of dynamics, characteristic for central pattern generators: respectively, in-phase, anti-phase synchronous oscillations and quiescence, and study various bifurcation transitions between all these states. Suggested model can serve as a building block of specific complex central pattern generators for studies of rhythmic activity and information processing in animals and humans.

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اقرأ أيضاً

154 - Wei Wu , Tianping Chen 2007
Collective behavior of pulse-coupled oscillators has been investigated widely. As an example of pulse-coupled networks, fireflies display many kinds of flashing patterns. Mirollo and Strogatz (1990) proposed a pulse-coupled oscillator model to explai n the synchronization of South East Asian fireflies ({itshape Pteroptyx malaccae}). However, transmission delays were not considered in their model. In fact, the presence of transmission delays can lead to desychronization. In this paper, pulse-coupled oscillator networks with delayed excitatory coupling are studied. Our main result is that under reasonable assumptions, pulse-coupled oscillator networks with delayed excitatory coupling can not achieve complete synchronization, which can explain why another species of fireflies ({itshape Photinus pyralis}) rarely synchronizes flashing. Finally, two numerical simulations are given. In the first simulation, we illustrate that even if all the initial phases are very close to each other, there could still be big variations in the times to process the pulses in the pipeline. It implies that asymptotical synchronization typically also cannot be achieved. In the second simulation, we exhibit a phenomenon of clustering synchronization.
96 - H. Sebastian Seung 2018
A companion paper introduces a nonlinear network with Hebbian excitatory (E) neurons that are reciprocally coupled with anti-Hebbian inhibitory (I) neurons and also receive Hebbian feedforward excitation from sensory (S) afferents. The present paper derives the network from two normative principles that are mathematically equivalent but conceptually different. The first principle formulates unsupervised learning as a constrained optimization problem: maximization of S-E correlations subject to a copositivity constraint on E-E correlations. A combination of Legendre and Lagrangian duality yields a zero-sum continuous game between excitatory and inhibitory connections that is solved by the neural network. The second principle defines a zero-sum game between E and I cells. E cells want to maximize S-E correlations and minimize E-I correlations, while I cells want to maximize I-E correlations and minimize power. The conflict between I and E objectives effectively forces the E cells to decorrelate from each other, although only incompletely. Legendre duality yields the neural network.
151 - Wei Wu , Tianping Chen 2008
For networks of pulse-coupled oscillators with delayed excitatory coupling, we analyze the firing behaviors depending on coupling strength and transmission delay. The parameter space consisting of strength and delay is partitioned into two regions. F or one region, we derive a low bound of interspike intervals, from which three firing properties are obtained. However, this bound and these properties would no longer hold for another region. Finally, we show the different synchronization behaviors for networks with parameters in the two regions.
The dynamics of qubits coupled to a harmonic oscillator with time-periodic coupling is investigated in the framework of Floquet theory. This system can be used to model nonadiabatic phenomena that require a periodic modulation of the qubit/oscillator coupling. The case of a single qubit coupled to a resonator populated with $n= 0,1$ photons is explicitly treated. The time-dependent Schr{o}dinger equation describing the systems dynamics is solved within the Floquet formalism and a perturbative approach in the time- and Laplace-domain. Good quantitative agreement is found between the analytical and numerical calculations within the Floquet approach, making it the most promising candidate for the study of time-periodic problems. Nonetheless, the time- or Laplace-domain perturbative approaches can be used in the presence of aperiodic time-dependent terms in the Hamiltonian.
In this his paper, we studied the global dynamics of a two-strain flu model with a single-strain vaccine and general incidence rate. Four equilibrium points were obtained and the global dynamics of the model are completely determined via suitable lya punov functions. We illustrate our results by some numerical simulations.
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