Kimera-Multi: a System for Distributed Multi-Robot Metric-Semantic Simultaneous Localization and Mapping

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We present the first fully distributed multi-robot system for dense metric-semantic Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM). Our system, dubbed Kimera-Multi, is implemented by a team of robots equipped with visual-inertial sensors, and builds a 3D mesh model of the environment in real-time, where each face of the mesh is annotated with a semantic label (e.g., building, road, objects). In Kimera-Multi, each robot builds a local trajectory estimate and a local mesh using Kimera. Then, when two robots are within communication range, they initiate a distributed place recognition and robust pose graph optimization protocol with a novel incremental maximum clique outlier rejection; the protocol allows the robots to improve their local trajectory estimates by leveraging inter-robot loop closures. Finally, each robot uses its improved trajectory estimate to correct the local mesh using mesh deformation techniques. We demonstrate Kimera-Multi in photo-realistic simulations and real data. Kimera-Multi (i) is able to build accurate 3D metric-semantic meshes, (ii) is robust to incorrect loop closures while requiring less computation than state-of-the-art distributed SLAM back-ends, and (iii) is efficient, both in terms of computation at each robot as well as communication bandwidth.

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