The black hole mass of the $z=2.805$ multiply imaged quasar SDSS J2222+2745 from velocity-resolved time lags of the CIV emission line

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We present the first results of a 4.5 year monitoring campaign of the three bright images of multiply imaged $z=2.805$ quasar SDSS J2222+2745 using the Gemini North Multi-Object Spectrograph (GMOS-N) and the Nordic Optical Telescope (NOT). We take advantage of gravitational time delays to construct light curves surpassing 6 years in duration and achieve average spectroscopic cadence of 10 days during the 8 months of visibility per season. Using multiple secondary calibrators and advanced reduction techniques, we achieve percent-level spectrophotometric precision and carry out an unprecedented reverberation mapping analysis, measuring both integrated and velocity-resolved time lags for CIV. The full line lags the continuum by $tau_{rm cen} = 36.5^{+2.9}_{-3.9}$ rest-frame days. We combine our measurement with published CIV lags and derive the $r_{rm BLR}-L$ relationship $log_{10}( tau / {rm day}) = (1.00pm 0.08) + (0.48pm 0.04) log_{10}[lambda L_lambda(1350{r{A}})/10^{44}~{rm erg ~s}^{-1}]$ with 0.32$pm$0.06 dex intrinsic scatter. The velocity-resolved lags are consistent with circular Keplerian orbits, with $tau_{rm cen} = 86.2^{+4.5}_{-5.0}$, $25^{+11}_{-15}$, and $7.5^{+4.2}_{-3.5}$ rest-frame days for the core, blue wing, and red wing, respectively. Using $sigma_{rm line}$ with the mean spectrum and assuming $log_{10} (f_{{rm mean},sigma}) = 0.52 pm 0.26$, we derive $log_{10}(M_{rm BH}/M_{odot}) = 8.63 pm 0.27$. Given the quality of the data, this system represents a unique benchmark for calibration of $M_{rm BH}$ estimators at high redshift. Future work will present dynamical modeling of the data to constrain the virial factor $f$ and $M_{rm BH}$.

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