We demonstrate the first practical off-path time shifting attacks against NTP as well as against Man-in-the-Middle (MitM) secure Chronos-enhanced NTP. Our attacks exploit the insecurity of DNS allowing us to redirect the NTP clients to attacker controlled servers. We perform large scale measurements of the attack surface in NTP clients and demonstrate the threats to NTP due to vulnerable DNS.
DNS is important in nearly all interactions on the Internet. All large DNS operators use IP anycast, announcing servers in BGP from multiple physical locations to reduce client latency and provide capacity. However, DNS is easy to spoof: third partie
s intercept and respond to queries for benign or malicious purposes. Spoofing is of particular risk for services using anycast, since service is already announced from multiple origins. In this paper, we describe methods to identify DNS spoofing, infer the mechanism being used, and identify organizations that spoof from historical data. Our methods detect overt spoofing and some covertly-delayed answers, although a very diligent adversarial spoofer can hide. We use these methods to study more than six years of data about root DNS servers from thousands of vantage points. We show that spoofing today is rare, occurring only in about 1.7% of observations. However, the rate of DNS spoofing has more than doubled in less than seven years, and it occurs globally. Finally, we use data from B-Root DNS to validate our methods for spoof detection, showing a true positive rate over 0.96. B-Root confirms that spoofing occurs with both DNS injection and proxies, but proxies account for nearly all spoofing we see.
In this paper, we shed new light on the DNS amplification ecosystem, by studying complementary data sources, bolstered by orthogonal methodologies. First, we introduce a passive attack detection method for the Internet core, i.e., at Internet eXchang
e Points (IXPs). Surprisingly, IXPs and honeypots observe mostly disjoint sets of attacks: 96% of IXP-inferred attacks were invisible to a sizable honeypot platform. Second, we assess the effectiveness of observed DNS attacks by studying IXP traces jointly with diverse data from independent measurement infrastructures. We find that attackers efficiently detect new reflectors and purposefully rotate between them. At the same time, we reveal that attackers are a small step removed from bringing about significantly higher amplification factors (14x). Third, we identify and fingerprint a major attack entity by studying patterns in attack traces. We show that this entity dominates the DNS amplification ecosystem by carrying out 59% of the attacks, and provide an in-depth analysis of its behavior over time. Finally, our results reveal that operators of various .gov names adhere to a DNSSEC key rollover scheme, which exacerbates amplification potential, and which we can verifiably connect to misuses and attacker decision-making.
Transportation safety, one of the main driving forces of the development of vehicular communication (VC) systems, relies on high-rate safety messaging (beaconing). At the same time, there is consensus among authorities, industry, and academia on the
need to secure VC systems. With specific proposals in the literature, a critical question must be answered: can secure VC systems be practical and satisfy the requirements of safety applications, in spite of the significant communication and processing overhead and other restrictions security and privacy-enhancing mechanisms impose? To answer this question, we investigate in this paper the following three dimensions for secure and privacy-enhancing VC schemes: the reliability of communication, the processing overhead at each node, and the impact on a safety application. The results indicate that with the appropriate system design, including sufficiently high processing power, applications enabled by secure VC can be in practice as effective as those enabled by unsecured VC.
In spite of the availability of DNSSEC, which protects against cache poisoning even by MitM attackers, many caching DNS resolvers still rely for their security against poisoning on merely validating that DNS responses contain some unpredictable value
s, copied from the re- quest. These values include the 16 bit identifier field, and other fields, randomised and validated by different patches to DNS. We investigate the prominent patches, and show how attackers can circumvent all of them, namely: - We show how attackers can circumvent source port randomisation, in the (common) case where the resolver connects to the Internet via different NAT devices. - We show how attackers can circumvent IP address randomisation, using some (standard-conforming) resolvers. - We show how attackers can circumvent query randomisation, including both randomisation by prepending a random nonce and case randomisation (0x20 encoding). We present countermeasures preventing our attacks; however, we believe that our attacks provide additional motivation for adoption of DNSSEC (or other MitM-secure defenses).
The Domain Name System (DNS) was created to resolve the IP addresses of the web servers to easily remembered names. When it was initially created, security was not a major concern; nowadays, this lack of inherent security and trust has exposed the gl
obal DNS infrastructure to malicious actors. The passive DNS data collection process creates a database containing various DNS data elements, some of which are personal and need to be protected to preserve the privacy of the end users. To this end, we propose the use of distributed ledger technology. We use Hyperledger Fabric to create a permissioned blockchain, which only authorized entities can access. The proposed solution supports queries for storing and retrieving data from the blockchain ledger, allowing the use of the passive DNS database for further analysis, e.g. for the identification of malicious domain names. Additionally, it effectively protects the DNS personal data from unauthorized entities, including the administrators that can act as potential malicious insiders, and allows only the data owners to perform queries over these data. We evaluated our proposed solution by creating a proof-of-concept experimental setup that passively collects DNS data from a network and then uses the distributed ledger technology to store the data in an immutable ledger, thus providing a full historical overview of all the records.