Production and electromagnetic decay of hyperons: a feasibility study with HADES as a Phase-0 experiment at FAIR

الملخص بالإنكليزية

A feasibility study has been performed in order to investigate the performance of the HADES detector to measure the electromagnetic decays of the hyperon resonances $Sigma(1385)^0$, $Lambda(1405)$ and $Lambda{Lambda}(1520)$ as well as the production of double strange baryon systems $Xi^-$ and $LambdaLambda$ in p+p reactions at a beam kinetic energy of 4.5 GeV. The existing HADES detector will be upgraded by a new Forward Detector, which extends the detector acceptance into a range of polar angles that plays a crucial role for these investigations. The analysis of each channel is preceded by a consideration of the production cross-sections. Afterwards the expected signal count rates using a target consisting of either liquid hydrogen or polyethylene are summarized.

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