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The FAMU experiment at RIKEN RAL for a precise measure of the proton radius

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 نشر من قبل Maurizio Bonesini M.
 تاريخ النشر 2020
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف M. Bonesini

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The goal of the FAMU experiment at RIKEN RAL is the measure of the hyperfine splitting of the ground state of the muonic hydrogen, to allow a determination of the proton Zemach radius with a precision better than $5 times 10^{-3}$ . The comparison of this measurement with the ones done with ordinary hydrogen may help to solve the so-called proton radius puzzle, triggered by the $6 sigma$ discrepancy in the proton charge radius value as extracted from muonic Lamb shift and the value based on e-p scattering and ordinary hydrogen spectroscopy.

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اقرأ أيضاً

Compact X-rays detectors made of 1/2 inch Ce:LaBr3 crystals of cubic shape with SiPM array readout have been developed for the FAMUexperiment at RIKEN-RAL, to instrument regions of difficult access. Due to the high photon yield of Ce:LaBr3 it was pos sible to use a simple readout scheme based on CAEN V1730 digitizers, without a dedicated amplification stage. The drift with temperature of SiPM gain was corrected by using CAEN A7885D regulated power supply chips with temperature feedback. Energy resolutions (FWHM) around 3:5% at the 137Cs peak and around 9% at the 57Co peak were obtained.
The scintillating fiber-SiPM beam monitor detectors, designed to deliver beam informations for the R484 and R582 experiments at the high intensity, low energy pulsed muon beam at the RIKEN-RAL facility, have been successfully constructed and operated . Details on their construction and first performances in beam are reported
56 - M. Bonesini 2016
The FAMU (Fisica degli Atomi Muonici) experiment has the goal to measure precisely the proton Zemach radius, thus contributing to the solution of the so-called proton radius puzzle. To this aim, it makes use of a high-intensity pulsed muon beam at RI KEN-RAL impinging on a cryogenic hydrogen target with an high-Z gas admixture and a tunable mid-IR high power laser, to measure the hyperfine (HFS) splitting of the 1S state of the muonic hydrogen. From the value of the exciting laser frequency, the energy of the HFS transition may be derived with high precision and thus, via QED calculations, the Zemach radius of the proton. The experimental apparatus includes a precise fiber-SiPMT beam hodoscope and a crown of eight LaBr3 crystals and a few HPGe detectors for detection of the emitted characteristic X-rays. Preliminary runs to optimize the gas target filling and its operating conditions have been taken in 2014 and 2015-2016. The final run, with the pump laser to drive the HFS transition, is expected in 2018.
143 - Carl E. Carlson 2015
The proton size, specifically its charge radius, was thought known to about 1% accuracy. Now a new method probing the proton with muons instead of electrons finds a radius about 4% smaller, and to boot gives an uncertainty limit of about 0.1%. We rev iew the different measurements, some of the calculations that underlie them, some of the suggestions that have been made to resolve the conflict, and give a brief overview new related experimental initiatives. At present, however, the resolution to the problem remains unknown.
The Ring Imaging Cherenkov detector is crucial for the identification of charged particles in the NA62 experiment at the CERN SPS. The detector commissioning was completed in 2016 by the precise alignment of mirrors using reconstructed tracks. The al ignment procedure and measurement of the basic performance are described. Ring radius resolution, ring centre resolution, single hit resolution and mean number of hits per ring are evaluated for positron tracks. The contribution of the residual mirror misalignment to the performance is calculated.
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