Embedding-based Zero-shot Retrieval through Query Generation

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Passage retrieval addresses the problem of locating relevant passages, usually from a large corpus, given a query. In practice, lexical term-matching algorithms like BM25 are popular choices for retrieval owing to their efficiency. However, term-based matching algorithms often miss relevant passages that have no lexical overlap with the query and cannot be finetuned to downstream datasets. In this work, we consider the embedding-based two-tower architecture as our neural retrieval model. Since labeled data can be scarce and because neural retrieval models require vast amounts of data to train, we propose a novel method for generating synthetic training data for retrieval. Our system produces remarkable results, significantly outperforming BM25 on 5 out of 6 datasets tested, by an average of 2.45 points for Recall@1. In some cases, our model trained on synthetic data can even outperform the same model trained on real data

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