The light MSSM Higgs boson mass for large $tanbeta$ and complex input parameters

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We discuss various improvements of the prediction for the light MSSM Higgs boson mass in the hybrid framework of the public code FeynHiggs, which combines fixed-order and effective field theory results. First, we discuss the resummation of logarithmic contributions proportional to the bottom-Yukawa coupling including two-loop $Delta_b$ resummation. For large $tanbeta$, these improvements can lead to large upward shifts of the Higgs mass compared to the existing fixed-order calculations. Second, we improve the implemented EFT calculation by fully taking into account the effect of $mathcal{CP}$-violating phases. As a third improvement, we discuss the inclusion of partial N$^3$LL resummation. The presented improvements will be implemented into FeynHiggs.

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