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A magic SET square is a 3 by 3 table of SET cards such that each row, column, diagonal, and anti-diagonal is a set. We allow the following transformations of the square: shuffling features, shuffling values within the features, rotations and reflections of the square. Under these transformations, there are 21 types of magic SET squares. We calculate the number of squares of each type. In addition, we discuss a game of SET tic-tac-toe.
Do you want to know what an anti-chiece Latin square is? Or what a non-consecutive toroidal modular Latin square is? We invented a ton of new types of Latin squares, some inspired by existing Sudoku variations. We cant wait to introduce them to you a
A $Gamma$-magic rectangle set $MRS_{Gamma}(a, b; c)$ of order $abc$ is a collection of $c$ arrays $(atimes b)$ whose entries are elements of group $Gamma$, each appearing once, with all row sums in every rectangle equal to a constant $omegain Gamma$
Translated from the Latin original Novae demonstrationes circa resolutionem numerorum in quadrata (1774). E445 in the Enestrom index. See Chapter III, section XI of Weils Number theory: an approach through history. Also, a very clear proof of the fou
Using the standard Coxeter presentation for the symmetric group $S_n$, two reduced expressions for the same group element are said to be commutation equivalent if we can obtain one expression from the other by applying a finite sequence of commutatio
Graph labeling is a well-known and intensively investigated problem in graph theory. Sparse anti-magic squares are useful in constructing vertex-magic labeling for graphs. For positive integers $n,d$ and $d<n$, an $ntimes n$ array $A$ based on ${0,1,