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Radius Study of Ten Transiting Hot Jupiter Exoplanets with Ground-Based Observations

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 نشر من قبل Atila Poro
 تاريخ النشر 2020
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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In this research, 14 light curves of 10 hot Jupiter exoplanets available on Exoplanet Transit Database (ETD) were analyzed. We extracted the transit parameters using EXOFAST software. Finally, we compared the planets radius parameter calculated by the EXOFAST with the value at the NASA Exoplanet Archive (NEA) using the confidence interval method. According to the results obtained from this comparison, there is an acceptable match for the planets radius with NEA values. Also, based on the average value of 350 mm optics in this study, it shows that the results obtained using small telescopes can be very significant if there is appropriate observational skill to study more discovered planets.

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262 - Johanna K. Teske 2014
The relative abundances of carbon and oxygen have long been recognized as fundamental diagnostics of stellar chemical evolution. Now, the growing number of exoplanet observations enable estimation of these elements in exoplanetary atmospheres. In hot Jupiters, the C/O ratio affects the partitioning of carbon in the major observable molecules, making these elements diagnostic of temperature structure and composition. Here we present measurements of carbon and oxygen abundances in 16 stars that host transiting hot Jupiter exoplanets, and compare our C/O ratios to those measured in larger samples of host stars, as well as those estimated for the corresponding exoplanet atmospheres. With standard stellar abundance analysis we derive stellar parameters as well as [C/H] and [O/H] from multiple abundance indicators, including synthesis fitting of the [O I] 6300 {AA} line and NLTE corrections for the O I triplet. Our results, in agreement with recent suggestions, indicate that previously-measured exoplanet host star C/O ratios may have been overestimated. The mean transiting exoplanet host star C/O ratio from this sample is 0.54 (C/O$_{solar}$=0.54), versus previously-measured C/O$_{host~star}$ means of $sim$0.65-0.75. We also observe the increase in C/O with [Fe/H] expected for all stars based on Galactic chemical evolution; a linear fit to our results falls slightly below that of other exoplanet host stars studies but has a similar slope. Though the C/O ratios of even the most-observed exoplanets are still uncertain, the more precise abundance analysis possible right now for their host stars can help constrain these planets formation environments and current compositions.
Hot Jupiters are rarely accompanied by other planets within a factor of a few in orbital distance. Previously, only two such systems have been found. Here, we report the discovery of a third system using data from the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Sate llite (TESS). The host star, TOI-1130, is an 11th magnitude K-dwarf in the Gaia G band. It has two transiting planets: a Neptune-sized planet ($3.65pm 0.10$ $R_E$) with a 4.1-day period, and a hot Jupiter ($1.50^{+0.27}_{-0.22}$ $R_J$) with an 8.4-day period. Precise radial-velocity observations show that the mass of the hot Jupiter is $0.974^{+0.043}_{-0.044}$ $M_J$. For the inner Neptune, the data provide only an upper limit on the mass of 0.17 $M_J$ (3$sigma$). Nevertheless, we are confident the inner planet is real, based on follow-up ground-based photometry and adaptive optics imaging that rule out other plausible sources of the TESS transit signal. The unusual planetary architecture of and the brightness of the host star make TOI-1130 a good test case for planet formation theories, and an attractive target for future spectroscopic observations.
Aims. The CoRoT space mission continues to photometrically monitor about 12 000 stars in its field-of-view for a series of target fields to search for transiting extrasolar planets ever since 2007. Deep transit signals can be detected quickly in the alarm-mode in parallel to the ongoing target field monitoring. CoRoTs first planets have been detected in this mode. Methods. The CoRoT raw lightcurves are filtered for orbital residuals, outliers, and low-frequency stellar signals. The phase folded lightcurve is used to fit the transit signal and derive the main planetary parameters. Radial velocity follow-up observations were initiated to secure the detection and to derive the planet mass. Results. We report the detection of CoRoT-5b, detected during observations of the LRa01 field, the first long-duration field in the galactic anticenter direction. CoRoT-5b is a hot Jupiter-type planet with a radius of 1.388(+0.046, -0.047) R_Jup, a mass of 0.467(+0.047, -0.024) M_Jup, and therefore, a mean density of 0.217(+0.031, -0.025) g cm-3. The planet orbits an F9V star of 14.0 mag in 4.0378962 +/- 0.0000019 days at an orbital distance of 0.04947(+0.00026, -0.00029) AU.
We present the discovery of KELT-22Ab, a hot Jupiter from the KELT-South survey. KELT-22Ab transits the moderately bright ($Vsim 11.1$) Sun-like G2V star TYC 7518-468-1. The planet has an orbital period of $P = 1.3866529 pm 0.0000027 $ days, a radius of $R_{P} = 1.285_{-0.071}^{+0.12}~R_{J}$, and a relatively large mass of $M_{P} = 3.47_{-0.14}^{+0.15}~ M_{J}$. The star has $R_{star} = 1.099_{-0.046}^{+0.079}~ R_{odot}$, $M_{star} = 1.092_{-0.041}^{+0.045}~ M_{odot}$, ${T_{rm eff},} = 5767_{-49}^{+50}~$ K, ${log{g_star}} = 4.393_{-0.060}^{+0.039}~$ (cgs), and [m/H] = $+0.259_{-0.083}^{+0.085}~$, and thus, other than its slightly super-solar metallicity, appears to be a near solar twin. Surprisingly, KELT-22A exhibits kinematics and a Galactic orbit that are somewhat atypical for thin disk stars. Nevertheless, the star is rotating quite rapidly for its estimated age, shows evidence of chromospheric activity, and is somewhat metal rich. Imaging reveals a slightly fainter companion to KELT-22A that is likely bound, with a projected separation of 6arcsec ($sim$1400 AU). In addition to the orbital motion caused by the transiting planet, we detect a possible linear trend in the radial velocity of KELT-22A suggesting the presence of another relatively nearby body that is perhaps non-stellar. KELT-22Ab is highly irradiated (as a consequence of the small semi-major axis of $a/R_{star} = 4.97$), and is mildly inflated. At such small separations, tidal forces become significant. The configuration of this system is optimal for measuring the rate of tidal dissipation within the host star. Our models predict that, due to tidal forces, the semi-major axis of KELT-22Ab is decreasing rapidly, and is thus predicted to spiral into the star within the next Gyr.
We present the discovery of a transiting hot Jupiter orbiting HIP 67522 ($T_{eff}sim5650$ K; $M_* sim 1.2 M_{odot}$) in the 10-20 Myr old Sco-Cen OB association. We identified the transits in the TESS data using our custom notch-filter planet search pipeline, and characterize the system with additional photometry from Spitzer, spectroscopy from SOAR/Goodman, SALT/HRS, LCOGT/NRES, and SMARTS/CHIRON, and speckle imaging from SOAR/HRCam. We model the photometry as a periodic Gaussian process with transits to account for stellar variability, and find an orbital period of 6.9596$^{+0.000016}_{-0.000015}$ days and radius of 10.02$^{+0.54}_{-0.53}$ R$_oplus$. We also identify a single transit of an additional candidate planet with radius 8.01$^{+0.75}_{-0.71}$ R$_oplus$ that has an orbital period of $gtrsim23$ days. The validated planet HIP 67522 b is currently the youngest transiting hot Jupiter discovered and is an ideal candidate for transmission spectroscopy and radial velocity follow-up studies, while also demonstrating that some young giant planets either form in situ at small orbital radii, or else migrate promptly from formation sites farther out in the disk.
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