Hardy-Littlewood inequality and $L^p$-$L^q$ Fourier multipliers on compact hypergroups

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This paper deals with the inequalities devoted to the comparison between the norm of a function on a compact hypergroup and the norm of its Fourier coefficients. We prove the classical Paley inequality in the setting of compact hypergroups which further gives the Hardy-Littlewood and Hausdorff-Young-Paley (Pitt) inequalities in the noncommutative context. We establish Hormanders $L^p$-$L^q$ Fourier multiplier theorem on compact hypergroups for $1<p leq 2 leq q<infty$ as an application of Hausdorff-Young-Paley inequality. We examine our results for the hypergroups constructed from the conjugacy classes of compact Lie groups and for a class of countable compact hypergroups.

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