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The photometric and polarimetric variability of magnetic O-type stars

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 نشر من قبل Melissa Munoz
 تاريخ النشر 2020
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Massive star winds are important contributors to the energy, momentum and chemical enrichment of the interstellar medium. Strong, organized and predominantly dipolar magnetic fields have been firmly detected in a small subset of massive O-type stars. Magnetic massive stars are known to exhibit phase-locked variability of numerous observable quantities that is hypothesized to arise due to the presence of an obliquely rotating magnetosphere formed via the magnetic confinement of their strong outflowing winds. Analyzing the observed modulations of magnetic O-type stars is thus a key step towards the better understanding of the physical processes that occur within their magnetospheres. The dynamical processes that lead to the formation of a magnetosphere are formally solved utilizing complex MHD simulations. Recently, an Analytic Dynamical Magnetosphere (ADM) model has been developed that can quickly be employed to compute the time-averaged density, temperature and velocity gradients within a dynamical magnetosphere. Here, we exploit the ADM model to compute photometric and polarimetric observables of magnetic Of?p stars, to test geometric models inferred from magnetometry. We showcase important results on the prototypical Of?p-type star HD 191612, that lead to a better characterization of massive star wind and magnetic properties.

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104 - M. S. Munoz , G. A. Wade , Y. Naze 2019
In this paper, we investigate the photometric variability of magnetic O-type stars. Such stars possess oblique, predominantly dipolar magnetic fields that confine their winds roughly axisymmetrically about the magnetic equator, thus forming a magneto sphere. We interpret their photometric variability as phase-dependent magnetospheric occultations. For massive star winds dominated by electron scattering opacity in the optical and NIR, we can compute synthetic light curves from simply knowing the magnetospheres mass density distribution. We exploit the newly-developed Analytical Dynamical Magnetosphere model (ADM) in order to obtain the predicted circumstellar density structures of magnetic O-type stars. The simplicity in our light curve synthesis model allows us to readily conduct a parameter space study. For validation purposes, we first apply our algorithm to HD 191612, the prototypical Of?p star. Next, we attempt to model the photometric variability of the Of?p-type stars identified in the Magellanic Clouds using OGLE photometry. We evaluate the compatibility of the ADM predictions with the observed photometric variations, and discuss the magnetic field properties that are implied by our modelling.
We present the analysis performed on spectropolarimetric data of 97 O-type targets included in the framework of the MiMeS (Magnetism in Massive Stars) Survey. Mean Least-Squares Deconvolved Stokes I and V line profiles were extracted for each observa tion, from which we measured the radial velocity, rotational and non-rotational broadening velocities, and longitudinal magnetic field. The investigation of the Stokes I profiles led to the discovery of 2 new multi-line spectroscopic systems (HD46106, HD204827) and confirmed the presence of a suspected companion in HD37041. We present a modified strategy of the Least-Squares Deconvolution technique aimed at optimising the detection of magnetic signatures while minimising the detection of spurious signatures in Stokes V. Using this analysis, we confirm the detection of a magnetic field in 6 targets previously reported as magnetic by the MiMeS collaboration (HD108, HD47129A2, HD57682, HD148937, CPD-28 2561, and NGC 1624-2), as well as report the presence of signal in Stokes V in 3 new magnetic candidates (HD36486, HD162978, HD199579). Overall, we find a magnetic incidence rate of 7+/-3%, for 108 individual O stars (including all O-type components part of multi-line systems), with a median uncertainty of the longitudinal field measurements of about 50,G. An inspection of the data reveals no obvious biases affecting the incidence rate or the preference for detecting magnetic signatures in the magnetic stars. Similar to A- and B-type stars, we find no link between the stars physical properties (e.g. Teff, mass, age) and the presence of a magnetic field. However, the Of?p stars represent a distinct class of magnetic O-type stars.
The Sun and stars with low magnetic activity levels, become photometrically brighter when their activity increases. Magnetically more active stars display the opposite behaviour and get fainter when their activity increases. We reproduce the observ ed photometric trends in stellar variations with a model that treats stars as hypothetical Suns with coverage by magnetic features different from that of the Sun. The presented model attributes the variability of stellar spectra to the imbalance between the contributions from different components of the solar atmosphere, such as dark starspots and bright faculae. A stellar spectrum is calculated from spectra of the individual components, by weighting them with corresponding disc area coverages. The latter are obtained by extrapolating the solar dependences of spot and facular disc area coverages on chromospheric activity to stars with different levels of mean chromospheric activity. We have found that the contribution by starspots to the variability increases faster with chromospheric activity than the facular contribution. This causes the transition from faculae-dominated variability and direct activity--brightness correlation to spot-dominated variability and inverse activity--brightness correlation with increasing chromospheric activity level. We have shown that the regime of the variability also depends on the angle between the stellar rotation axis and the line-of-sight and on the latitudinal distribution of active regions on the stellar surface. Our model can be used as a tool to extrapolate the observed photometric variability of the Sun to Sun-like stars at different activity levels, which makes possible the direct comparison between solar and stellar irradiance data.
210 - James Sikora , Gregg Wade , 2020
High-precision space-based photometry obtained by the emph{Kepler} and emph{TESS} missions has revealed evidence of rotational modulation associated with main sequence (MS) A and late-B type stars. Generally, such variability in these objects is attr ibuted to inhomogeneous surface structures (e.g. chemical spots), which are typically linked to strong magnetic fields ($Bgtrsim100,{rm G}$) visible at the surface. It has been reported that $approx44$~per~cent of all A-type stars observed during the emph{Kepler} mission exhibit rotationally modulated light curves. This is surprising considering that $lesssim10$~per~cent of all MS A-type stars are known to be strongly magnetic (i.e. they are Ap/Bp stars). We present a spectroscopic monitoring survey of 44 A and late-B type stars reported to exhibit rotational modulation in their emph{Kepler} light curves. The primary goal of this survey is to test the hypothesis that the variability is rotational modulation by comparing each stars rotational broadening ($vsin{i}$) with the equatorial velocities ($v_{rm eq}$) inferred from the photometric periods. We searched for chemical peculiarities and binary companions in order to provide insight into the origin of the apparent rotational modulation. We find that 14 stars in our sample have $vsin{i}>v_{rm eq}$ and/or have low-mass companions that may contribute to or be responsible for the observed variability. Our results suggest that more than $10$~per~cent of all MS A and late-B type stars may exhibit inhomogeneous surface structures; however, the incidence rate is likely $lesssim30$~per~cent.
180 - R. Blomme , L. Mahy , C. Catala 2011
The detection of pulsational frequencies in stellar photometry is required as input for asteroseismological modelling. The second short run (SRa02) of the CoRoT mission has provided photometric data of unprecedented quality and time-coverage for a nu mber of O-type stars. We analyse the CoRoT data corresponding to three hot O-type stars, describing the properties of their light curves and we search for pulsational frequencies, which we then compare to theoretical model predictions. We determine the amplitude spectrum of the data, using the Lomb-Scargle and a multifrequency HMM-like technique. Frequencies are extracted by prewhitening, and their significance is evaluated under the assumption that the light curve is dominated by red noise. We search for harmonics, linear combinations and regular spacings among these frequencies. We use simulations with the same time sampling as the data as a powerful tool to judge the significance of our results. From the theoretical point of view, we use the MAD non-adiabatic pulsation code to determine the expected frequencies of excited modes. A substantial number of frequencies is listed, but none can be convincingly identified as being connected to pulsations. The amplitude spectrum is dominated by red noise. Theoretical modelling shows that all three O-type stars can have excited modes but the relation between the theoretical frequencies and the observed spectrum is not obvious. The dominant red noise component in the hot O-type stars studied here clearly points to a different origin than the pulsations seen in cooler O stars. The physical cause of this red noise is unclear, but we speculate on the possibility of sub-surface convection, granulation, or stellar wind inhomogeneities being responsible.
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