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A Sensitivity Matrix Based Methodology for Inverse Problem Formulation

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 نشر من قبل Ariel Cintron-Arias
 تاريخ النشر 2020
  مجال البحث الاحصاء الرياضي
والبحث باللغة English

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We propose an algorithm to select parameter subset combinations that can be estimated using an ordinary least-squares (OLS) inverse problem formulation with a given data set. First, the algorithm selects the parameter combinations that correspond to sensitivity matrices with full rank. Second, the algorithm involves uncertainty quantification by using the inverse of the Fisher Information Matrix. Nominal values of parameters are used to construct synthetic data sets, and explore the effects of removing certain parameters from those to be estimated using OLS procedures. We quantify these effects in a score for a vector parameter defined using the norm of the vector of standard errors for components of estimates divided by the estimates. In some cases the method leads to reduction of the standard error for a parameter to less than 1% of the estimate.

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اقرأ أيضاً

The estimation of EEG generating sources constitutes an Inverse Problem (IP) in Neuroscience. This is an ill-posed problem, due to the non-uniqueness of the solution, and many kinds of prior information have been used to constrain it. A combination o f smoothness (L2 norm-based) and sparseness (L1 norm-based) constraints is a flexible approach that have been pursued by important examples such as the Elastic Net (ENET) and mixed-norm (MXN) models. The former is used to find solutions with a small number of smooth non-zero patches, while the latter imposes sparseness and smoothness simultaneously along different dimensions of the spatio-temporal matrix solutions. Both models have been addressed within the penalized regression approach, where the regularization parameters are selected heuristically, leading usually to non-optimal solutions. The existing Bayesian formulation of ENET allows hyperparameter learning, but using computationally intensive Monte Carlo/Expectation Maximization methods. In this work we attempt to solve the EEG IP using a Bayesian framework for models based on mixtures of L1/L2 norms penalization functions (Laplace/Normal priors) such as ENET and MXN. We propose a Sparse Bayesian Learning algorithm based on combining the Empirical Bayes and the iterative coordinate descent procedures to estimate both the parameters and hyperparameters. Using simple but realistic simulations we found that our methods are able to recover complicated source setups more accurately and with a more robust variable selection than the ENET and LASSO solutions using classical algorithms. We also solve the EEG IP using data coming from a visual attention experiment, finding more interpretable neurophysiological patterns with our methods, as compared with other known methods such as LORETA, ENET and LASSO FUSION using the classical regularization approach.
We discuss methods for {em a priori} selection of parameters to be estimated in inverse problem formulations (such as Maximum Likelihood, Ordinary and Generalized Least Squares) for dynamical systems with numerous state variables and an even larger n umber of parameters. We illustrate the ideas with an in-host model for HIV dynamics which has been successfully validated with clinical data and used for prediction.
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