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Remarks on the interpolation method

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 نشر من قبل Davide Gabrielli
 تاريخ النشر 2020
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We discuss a generalization of the conditions of validity of the interpolation method for the density of quenched free energy of mean field spin glasses. The condition is written just in terms of the $L^2$ metric structure of the Gaussian random variables. As an example of application we deduce the existence of the thermodynamic limit for a GREM model with infinite branches for which the classic conditions of validity fail.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

81 - M.V. Pavlov , R.F. Vitolo 2016
The Lagrangian representation of multi-Hamiltonian PDEs has been introduced by Y. Nutku and one of us (MVP). In this paper we focus on systems which are (at least) bi-Hamiltonian by a pair $A_1$, $A_2$, where $A_1$ is a hydrodynamic-type Hamiltonian operator. We prove that finding the Lagrangian representation is equivalent to finding a generalized vector field $tau$ such that $A_2=L_tau A_1$. We use this result in order to find the Lagrangian representation when $A_2$ is a homogeneous third-order Hamiltonian operator, although the method that we use can be applied to any other homogeneous Hamiltonian operator. As an example we provide the Lagrangian representation of a WDVV hydrodynamic-type system in $3$ components.
We generalize Thouless bandwidth formula to its n-th moment. We obtain a closed expression in terms of polygamma, zeta and Euler numbers.
198 - Jian Zhou 2021
Motivated by fractional quantum Hall effects, we introduce a universal space of statistics interpolating Bose-Einstein statistics and Fermi-Dirac statistics. We connect the interpolating statistics to umbral calculus and use it as a bridge to study t he interpolation statistics by the principle maximum entropy by deformed entropy functions. On the one hand this connection makes it possible to relate fractional quantum Hall effects to many different mathematical objects, including formal group laws, complex bordism theory, complex genera, operads, counting trees, spectral curves in Eynard-Orantin topological recursions, etc. On the other hand, this also suggests to reexamine umbral calculus from the point of view of quantum mechanics and statistical mechanics.
We consider the generating function of the algebraic area of lattice walks, evaluated at a root of unity, and its relation to the Hofstadter model. In particular, we obtain an expression for the generating function of the n-th moments of the Hofstadt er Hamiltonian in terms of a complete elliptic integral, evaluated at a rational function. This in turn gives us both exact and asymptotic formulas for these moments.
173 - Andrzej Okninski 2013
We study several formulations of zero-mass relativistic equations, stressing similarities between different frameworks. It is shown that all these massless wave equations have fermionic as well as bosonic solutions.
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