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Comment on Observation of annual modulation by $gamma$ rays from ($alpha$,$gamma$) reactions at the Soudan Underground Laboratory

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 نشر من قبل Peter Mohr
 تاريخ النشر 2020
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Peter Mohr

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Tiwari {it et al.} have identified an annual modulation of the $gamma$-ray flux at the Soudan Underground Laboratory which is strongly correlated to the radon concentration. The $gamma$-ray flux results from ($alpha$,$gamma$) reactions which are induced by the $alpha$ activity of radon and its daughters. Unfortunately, the quantitative analysis of the $gamma$-ray flux is based on unrealistic ($alpha$,$gamma$) cross sections, and thus the calculated $gamma$-ray fluxes are not reliable.

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اقرأ أيضاً

138 - A. Tiwari , C. Zhang , D.-M. Mei 2017
Annual modulation of $gamma$ rays from ($alpha$, $gamma$) reactions in the Soudan Underground Lab has been observed using a 12-liter scintillation detector. This significant annual modulation, measured over 4 years, can mimic the signature for dark m atter and can also generate potential background events for neutrinoless double-$beta$ decay experiments. The measured annual modulation of the event rate from ($alpha$, $gamma$) reactions is strongly correlated with the time-varying radon concentration observed independently in the Lab. The $alpha$ flux from radon decay is simulated starting from the measured radon concentration, and the $gamma$-ray flux is determined using the convolution of the $alpha$ flux and the cross sections for ($alpha$, $gamma$) reactions. The calculated $gamma$-ray flux is sufficient to generate the measured event rate that exhibits an annual modulation.
The Boulby Underground Germanium Suite (BUGS) comprises three low background, high-purity germanium detectors operating in the Boulby Underground Laboratory, located 1.1 km underground in the north-east of England, UK. BUGS utilises three types of de tector to facilitate a high-sensitivity, high-throughput radioassay programme to support the development of rare-event search experiments. A Broad Energy Germanium (BEGe) detector delivers sensitivity to low-energy gamma-rays such as those emitted by 210Pb and 234Th. A Small Anode Germanium (SAGe) well-type detector is employed for efficient screening of small samples. Finally, a standard p-type coaxial detector provides fast screening of standard samples. This paper presents the steps used to characterise the performance of these detectors for a variety of sample geometries, including the corrections applied to account for cascade summing effects. For low-density materials, BUGS is able to radio-assay to specific activities down to 3.6 mBq/kg for 234Th and 6.6 mBq/kg for 210Pb both of which have uncovered some significant equilibrium breaks in the 238U chain. In denser materials, where gamma-ray self-absorption increases, sensitivity is demonstrated to specific activities of 0.9 mBq/kg for 226Ra, 1.1 mBq/kg for 228 Ra, 0.3 mBq/kg for 224Ra, and 8.6 mBq/kg for 40K with all upper limits at a 90% confidence level. These meet the requirements of most screening campaigns presently under way for rare-event search experiments, such as the LUX-ZEPLIN (LZ) dark matter experiment. We also highlight the ability of the BEGe detector to probe the X-ray fluorescence region which can be important to identify the presence of radioisotopes associated with neutron production; this is of particular relevance in experiments sensitive to nuclear recoils.
339 - G. G. Kiss , T. Szucs , Zs. Torok 2012
(Shorten version of the PRC abstract) Alpha-induced reactions on 127I have been studied using the activation technique in order to provide cross section data for the modeling of the astrophysical gamma process. The relative intensity of the 536.1 keV gamma transition was measured precisely, its uncertainty was reduced from 13% to 4%. By measuring the yield of the characteristic X-rays, the cross sections of the 127I(alpha,gamma)131Cs reaction have been determined for the first time close to the astrophysically relevant energy region, at energies 9.50 < Ec.m. < 15.15$ MeV. The 127I(alpha,n)130Cs reaction was studied in the range 9.62 < Ec.m. < 15.15 MeV by measuring the yield of the 536.1 keV gamma-ray and at the lower part of this energy range by counting the characteristic X-rays. A comparison of the resulting cross sections to predictions of statistical model calculations confirmed the predictions of the astrophysically relevant averaged alpha width. Nevertheless, the newly derived stellar reaction rates at gamma process temperatures for 127I(alpha,gamma)131$Cs and its reverse reaction are factors 4-10 faster than previous calculations, due to improvements in the reaction model.
Photoactivation measurements on 144Sm have been performed with bremsstrahlung endpoint energies from 10.0 to 15.5 MeV at the bremsstrahlung facility of the superconducting electron accelerator ELBE of Forschungszentrum Dresden-Rossendorf. The measure d activation yield for the 144Sm(gamma,n) reaction is compared with the calculated yield using cross sections from previous photoneutron experiments. The activation yields measured for all disintegration channels 144Sm(gamma,n), (gamma,p) and (gamma,alpha) are compared to the yield calculated by using Hauser-Feshbach statistical models. A new parametrization of the photon strength function is presented and the yield simulated by using the modified photon strength parameters are compared to the experimental data.
The cross-sections of prompt gamma-ray production from $^{nat}$Sn and $^{nat}$C elements induced by 14.1-MeV neutrons were measured. The time-of-flight technique was used for n-gamma discrimination. The experimental results were compared with theoret ical calculations performed by Empire 3.2 and Talys 1.6 codes using different models for photon strength function and nuclear level density.
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