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The Palais-Smale condition for the Hamiltonian action on a mixed regularity space of loops in cotangent bundles and applications

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 نشر من قبل Luca Asselle
 تاريخ النشر 2020
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English

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We show that the Hamiltonian action satisfies the Palais-Smale condition over a mixed regularity space of loops in cotangent bundles, namely the space of loops with regularity $H^s$, $sin (frac 12, 1)$, in the base and $H^{1-s}$ in the fiber direction. As an application, we give a simplified proof of a theorem of Hofer-Viterbo on the existence of closed characteristic leaves for certain contact type hypersufaces in cotangent bundles.

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اقرأ أيضاً

182 - Thomas Kragh 2012
We describe how the result in [1] extends to prove the existence of a Serre type spectral sequence converging to the symplectic homology SH_*(M) of an exact Sub-Liouville domain M in a cotangent bundle T*N. We will define a notion of a fiber-wise sym plectic homology SH_*(M,q) for each point q in N, which will define a graded local coefficient system on N. The spectral sequence will then have page two isomorphic to the homology of N with coefficients in this graded local system.
We prove a version of the Arnold conjecture for Lagrangian submanifolds of conformal symplectic manifolds: a Lagrangian $L$ which has non-zero Morse-Novikov homology for the restriction of the Lee form $beta$ cannot be disjoined from itself by a $C^0 $-small Hamiltonian isotopy. Furthermore for generic such isotopies the number of intersection points equals at least the sum of the free Betti numbers of the Morse-Novikov homology of $beta$. We also give a short exposition of conformal symplectic geometry, aimed at readers who are familiar with (standard) symplectic or contact geometry.
We classify symplectically foliated fillings of certain contact foliated manifolds. We show that up to symplectic deformation, the unique minimal symplectically foliated filling of the foliated sphere cotangent bundle of the Reeb foliation in the 3-s phere is the associated disk cotangent bundle. En route to the proof, we study another foliated manifold, namely the product of a circle and an annulus with almost horizontal foliation. In this case, the foliated unit cotangent bundle does not have a unique minimal symplectic filling. We classify the foliated fillings of this manifold up to symplectic deformation equivalence using combinatorial invariants of the filling.
We study configurations of disjoint Lagrangian submanifolds in certain low-dimensional symplectic manifolds from the perspective of the geometry of Hamiltonian maps. We detect infinite-dimensional flats in the Hamiltonian group of the two-sphere equi pped with Hofers metric, prove constraints on Lagrangian packing, find instances of Lagrangian Poincar{e} recurrence, and present a new hierarchy of normal subgroups of area-preserving homeomorphisms of the two-sphere. The technology involves Lagrangian spectral invariants with Hamiltonian term in symmetric product orbifolds.
In this paper, our goal is to study the regular reduction theory of regular controlled Hamiltonian (RCH) systems with symplectic structure and symmetry, and this reduction is an extension of regular symplectic reduction theory of Hamiltonian systems under regular controlled Hamiltonian equivalence conditions. Thus, in order to describe uniformly RCH systems defined on a cotangent bundle and on the regular reduced spaces, we first define a kind of RCH systems on a symplectic fiber bundle. Then introduce regular point and regular orbit reducible RCH systems with symmetry by using momentum map and the associated reduced symplectic forms. Moreover, we give regular point and regular orbit reduction theorems for RCH systems to explain the relationships between RpCH-equivalence, RoCH-equivalence for reducible RCH systems with symmetry and RCH-equivalence for associated reduced RCH systems. Finally, as an application we regard rigid body and heavy top as well as them with internal rotors as the regular point reducible RCH systems on the rotation group $textmd{SO}(3)$ and on the Euclidean group $textmd{SE}(3)$,as well as on their generalizations, respectively, and discuss their RCH-equivalence. We also describe the RCH system and RCH-equivalence from the viewpoint of port Hamiltonian system with a symplectic structure.
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