Vision-Based Autonomous Driving: A Model Learning Approach

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We present an integrated approach for perception and control for an autonomous vehicle and demonstrate this approach in a high-fidelity urban driving simulator. Our approach first builds a model for the environment, then trains a policy exploiting the learned model to identify the action to take at each time-step. To build a model for the environment, we leverage several deep learning algorithms. To that end, first we train a variational autoencoder to encode the input image into an abstract latent representation. We then utilize a recurrent neural network to predict the latent representation of the next frame and handle temporal information. Finally, we utilize an evolutionary-based reinforcement learning algorithm to train a controller based on these latent representations to identify the action to take. We evaluate our approach in CARLA, a high-fidelity urban driving simulator, and conduct an extensive generalization study. Our results demonstrate that our approach outperforms several previously reported approaches in terms of the percentage of successfully completed episodes for a lane keeping task.

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