Partial Multi-label Learning with Label and Feature Collaboration

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Partial multi-label learning (PML) models the scenario where each training instance is annotated with a set of candidate labels, and only some of the labels are relevant. The PML problem is practical in real-world scenarios, as it is difficult and even impossible to obtain precisely labeled samples. Several PML solutions have been proposed to combat with the prone misled by the irrelevant labels concealed in the candidate labels, but they generally focus on the smoothness assumption in feature space or low-rank assumption in label space, while ignore the negative information between features and labels. Specifically, if two instances have largely overlapped candidate labels, irrespective of their feature similarity, their ground-truth labels should be similar; while if they are dissimilar in the feature and candidate label space, their ground-truth labels should be dissimilar with each other. To achieve a credible predictor on PML data, we propose a novel approach called PML-LFC (Partial Multi-label Learning with Label and Feature Collaboration). PML-LFC estimates the confidence values of relevant labels for each instance using the similarity from both the label and feature spaces, and trains the desired predictor with the estimated confidence values. PML-LFC achieves the predictor and the latent label matrix in a reciprocal reinforce manner by a unified model, and develops an alternative optimization procedure to optimize them. Extensive empirical study on both synthetic and real-world datasets demonstrates the superiority of PML-LFC.

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