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Foreground model recognition through Neural Networks for CMB B-mode observations

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 نشر من قبل Farida Farsian
 تاريخ النشر 2020
والبحث باللغة English

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In this work we present a Neural Network (NN) algorithm for the identification of the appropriate parametrization of diffuse polarized Galactic emissions in the context of Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) $B$-mode multi-frequency observations. In particular, we have focused our analysis on low frequency foregrounds relevant for polarization observation: namely Galactic Synchrotron and Anomalous Microwave Emission (AME). We have implemented and tested our approach on a set of simulated maps corresponding to the frequency coverage and sensitivity represented by future satellite and low frequency ground based probes. The NN efficiency in recognizing the right parametrization of foreground emission in different sky regions reaches an accuracy of about $90%$. We have compared this performance with the $chi^{2}$ information following parametric foreground estimation using multi-frequency fitting, and quantify the gain provided by a NN approach. Our results show the relevance of model recognition in CMB $B$-mode observations, and highlight the exploitation of dedicated procedures to this purpose.

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The Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) has been measured over a wide range of multipoles. Experiments with arc-minute resolution like the Atacama Cosmology Telescope (ACT) have contributed to the measurement of primary and secondary anisotropies, lead ing to remarkable scientific discoveries. Such findings require careful data selection in order to remove poorly-behaved detectors and unwanted contaminants. The current data classification methodology used by ACT relies on several statistical parameters that are assessed and fine-tuned by an expert. This method is highly time-consuming and band or season-specific, which makes it less scalable and efficient for future CMB experiments. In this work, we propose a supervised machine learning model to classify detectors of CMB experiments. The model corresponds to a deep convolutional neural network. We tested our method on real ACT data, using the 2008 season, 148 GHz, as training set with labels provided by the ACT data selection software. The model learns to classify time-streams starting directly from the raw data. For the season and frequency considered during the training, we find that our classifier reaches a precision of 99.8%. For 220 and 280 GHz data, season 2008, we obtained 99.4% and 97.5% of precision, respectively. Finally, we performed a cross-season test over 148 GHz data from 2009 and 2010 for which our model reaches a precision of 99.8% and 99.5%, respectively. Our model is about 10x faster than the current pipeline, making it potentially suitable for real-time implementations.
The B-mode Foreground Experiment (BFORE) is a proposed NASA balloon project designed to make optimal use of the sub-orbital platform by concentrating on three dust foreground bands (270, 350, and 600 GHz) that complement ground-based cosmic microwave background (CMB) programs. BFORE will survey ~1/4 of the sky with 1.7 - 3.7 arcminute resolution, enabling precise characterization of the Galactic dust that now limits constraints on inflation from CMB B-mode polarization measurements. In addition, BFOREs combination of frequency coverage, large survey area, and angular resolution enables science far beyond the critical goal of measuring foregrounds. BFORE will constrain the velocities of thousands of galaxy clusters, provide a new window on the cosmic infrared background, and probe magnetic fields in the interstellar medium. We review the BFORE science case, timeline, and instrument design, which is based on a compact off-axis telescope coupled to >10,000 superconducting detectors.
285 - Cora Dvorkin , Wayne Hu 2009
B-modes in CMB polarization from patchy reionization arise from two effects: generation of polarization from scattering of quadrupole moments by reionization bubbles, and fluctuations in the screening of E-modes from recombination. The scattering con tribution has been studied previously, but the screening contribution has not yet been calculated. We show that on scales smaller than the acoustic scale (l>300), the B-mode power from screening is larger than the B-mode power from scattering. The ratio approaches a constant ~2.5 below the damping scale (l>2000). On degree scales relevant for gravitational waves (l<100), screening B-modes have a white noise tail and are subdominant to the scattering effect. These results are robust to uncertainties in the modeling of patchy reionization.
We present a demonstration of delensing the observed cosmic microwave background (CMB) B-mode polarization anisotropy. This process of reducing the gravitational-lensing generated B-mode component will become increasingly important for improving sear ches for the B modes produced by primordial gravitational waves. In this work, we delens B-mode maps constructed from multi-frequency SPTpol observations of a 90 deg$^2$ patch of sky by subtracting a B-mode template constructed from two inputs: SPTpol E-mode maps and a lensing potential map estimated from the $textit{Herschel}$ $500,mu m$ map of the CIB. We find that our delensing procedure reduces the measured B-mode power spectrum by 28% in the multipole range $300 < ell < 2300$; this is shown to be consistent with expectations from theory and simulations and to be robust against systematics. The null hypothesis of no delensing is rejected at $6.9 sigma$. Furthermore, we build and use a suite of realistic simulations to study the general properties of the delensing process and find that the delensing efficiency achieved in this work is limited primarily by the noise in the lensing potential map. We demonstrate the importance of including realistic experimental non-idealities in the delensing forecasts used to inform instrument and survey-strategy planning of upcoming lower-noise experiments, such as CMB-S4.
The characterization and modeling of polarized foregrounds has become a critical issue in the quest for primordial $B$-modes. A typical method to proceed is to factorize and parametrize the spectral properties of foregrounds and their scale dependenc e (i.e. assuming that foreground spectra are well described everywhere by their sky average). Since in reality foreground properties vary across the Galaxy, this assumption leads to inaccuracies in the model that manifest themselves as biases in the final cosmological parameters (in this case the tensor-to-scalar ratio $r$). This is particularly relevant for surveys over large fractions of the sky, such as the Simons Observatory (SO), where the spectra should be modeled over a distribution of parameter values. Here we propose a method based on the existing ``moment expansion approach to address this issue in a power-spectrum-based analysis that is directly applicable in ground-based multi-frequency data. Additionally, the method uses only a small set of parameters with simple physical interpretation, minimizing the impact of foreground uncertainties on the final $B$-mode constraints. We validate the method using SO-like simulated observations, recovering an unbiased estimate of the tensor-to-scalar ratio $r$ with standard deviation $sigma(r)simeq0.003$, compatible with official forecasts. When applying the method to the public BICEP2/Keck data, we find an upper bound $r<0.06$ ($95%,{rm C.L.}$), compatible with the result found by BICEP2/Keck when parametrizing spectral index variations through a scale-independent frequency decorrelation parameter. We also discuss the formal similarities between the power spectrum-based moment expansion and methods used in the analysis of CMB lensing.

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