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A new U(1) gauge symmetry is the simplest extension of the Standard Model and has various theoretical and phenomenological motivations. In this paper, we study the cosmological constraint on the MeV scale dark photon. After the neutrino decoupling era at $T = mathcal{O}(1),$MeV, the decay and annihilation of the dark photon heats up the electron and photon plasma and accordingly decreases the effective number of neutrino $N_{mathrm{eff}}$ in the recombination era. We derive a conservative lower-limit of the dark photon mass around 8.5 MeV from the current Planck data if the mixing between the dark photon and ordinary photon is larger than $mathcal{O}(10^{-9})$. We also find that the future CMB stage-$rm I! V$ experiments can probe up to 17 MeV dark photon.
If neutrinos are Dirac particles the existence of light right-handed neutrinos $ u_{R}$ is implied. Those would contribute to the effective number of relativistic neutrino species $N_{{rm eff}}$ in the early Universe. With pure standard model interac
We discuss Dirac neutrinos whose right-handed component $ u_R$ has new interactions that may lead to a measurable contribution to the effective number of relativistic neutrino species $N_{rm eff}$. We aim at a model-independent and comprehensive stud
We evaluate the contribution to $N_{rm eff}$ of the extra sterile states in low-scale Type I seesaw models (with three extra sterile states). We explore the full parameter space and find that at least two of the heavy states always reach thermalisati
We investigate whether the $4.4sigma$ tension on $H_0$ between SH$_{0}$ES 2019 and Planck 2018 can be alleviated by a variation of Newtons constant $G_N$ between the early and the late Universe. This changes the Hubble rate before recombination, simi
Gravitinos are a fundamental prediction of supergravity, their mass ($m_{G}$) is informative of the value of the SUSY breaking scale, and, if produced during reheating, their number density is a function of the reheating temperature ($T_{text{rh}}$).