We present results of comprehensive study of electronic properties of (TiZrNbCu)(1-x)Ni(x) metallic glasses performed in broad composition range x encompassing both, high entropy (HE) range, and conventional Ni-base alloy concentration range, x >= 0.35. The electronic structure studied by photoemission spectroscopy and low temperature specific heat (LTSH) reveal a split-band structure of density of states inside valence band with d-electrons of Ti, Zr, Nb and also Ni present at Fermi level N(E_F), whereas LTSH and magnetoresistivity results show that variation of N(E_F) with x changes in Ni-base regime. The variation of superconducting transition temperatures with x closely follows that of N(E_F). The electrical resistivities of all alloys are high and decrease with increasing temperature over most of explored temperature range, and their temperature dependence seems dominated by weak localization effects over a broad temperature range (10-300 K). The preliminary study of Hall effect shows positive Hall coefficient that decreases rapidly in Ni-base alloys.