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Simulating sticky particles: A Monte Carlo method to sample a stratification

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 نشر من قبل Miranda Holmes-Cerfon
 تاريخ النشر 2019
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Many problems in materials science and biology involve particles interacting with strong, short-ranged bonds, that can break and form on experimental timescales. Treating such bonds as constraints can significantly speed up sampling their equilibrium distribution, and there are several methods to sample probability distributions subject to fixed constraints. We introduce a Monte Carlo method to handle the case when constraints can break and form. More generally, the method samples a probability distribution on a stratification: a collection of manifolds of different dimensions, where the lower-dimensional manifolds lie on the boundaries of the higher-dimensional manifolds. We show several applications of the method in polymer physics, self-assembly of colloids, and volume calculation in high dimensions.

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اقرأ أيضاً

285 - P. A. McClarty 2007
We study some aspects of a Monte Carlo method invented by Maggs and Rossetto for simulating systems of charged particles. It has the feature that the discretized electric field is updated locally when charges move. Results of simulations of the two d imensional one-component plasma are presented. Highly accurate results can be obtained very efficiently using this lattice method over a large temperature range. The method differs from global methods in having additional degrees of freedom which leads to the question of how a faster method can result. We argue that efficient sampling depends on charge mobility and find that the mobility is close to maximum for a low rate of independent plaquette updates for intermediate temperatures. We present a simple model to account for this behavior. We also report on the role of uniform electric field sampling using this method.
87 - Marco Heinen 2020
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We propose a minimal generalization of the celebrated Markov-Chain Monte Carlo algorithm which allows for an arbitrary number of configurations to be visited at every Monte Carlo step. This is advantageous when a parallel computing machine is availab le, or when many biased configurations can be evaluated at little additional computational cost. As an example of the former case, we report a significant reduction of the thermalization time for the paradigmatic Sherrington-Kirkpatrick spin-glass model. For the latter case, we show that, by leveraging on the exponential number of biased configurations automatically computed by Diagrammatic Monte Carlo, we can speed up computations in the Fermi-Hubbard model by two orders of magnitude.
143 - Shi-Xin Zhang , Zhou-Quan Wan , 2019
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