We investigate prolonged engine activities of short gamma-ray bursts (SGRBs), such as extended and/or plateau emissions, as high-energy gamma-ray counterparts to gravitational waves (GWs). Binary neutron-star mergers lead to relativistic jets and merger ejecta with $r$-process nucleosynthesis, which are observed as SGRBs and kilonovae/macronovae, respectively. Long-term relativistic jets may be launched by the merger remnant as hinted in X-ray light curves of some SGRBs. The prolonged jets may dissipate their kinetic energy within the radius of the cocoon formed by the jet-ejecta interaction. Then the cocoon supplies seed photons to non-thermal electrons accelerated at the dissipation region, causing high-energy gamma-ray production through the inverse Compton scattering process. We numerically calculate high-energy gamma-ray spectra in such a system using a one-zone and steady-state approximation, and show that GeV--TeV gamma-rays are produced with a duration of $10^2-10^5$ seconds. They can be detected by {it Fermi}/LAT or CTA as gamma-ray counterparts to GWs.
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