Object tracking can be formulated as finding the right object in a video. We observe that recent approaches for class-agnostic tracking tend to focus on the finding part, but largely overlook the object part of the task, essentially doing a template matching over a frame in a sliding-window. In contrast, class-specific trackers heavily rely on object priors in the form of category-specific object detectors. In this work, we re-purpose category-specific appearance models into a generic objectness prior. Our approach converts a category-specific object detector into a category-agnostic, object-specific detector (i.e. a tracker) efficiently, on the fly. Moreover, at test time the same network can be applied to detection and tracking, resulting in a unified approach for the two tasks. We achieve state-of-the-art results on two recent large-scale tracking benchmarks (OxUvA and GOT, using external data). By simply adding a mask prediction branch, our approach is able to produce instance segmentation masks for the tracked object. Despite only using box-level information on the first frame, our method outputs high-quality masks, as evaluated on the DAVIS 17 video object segmentation benchmark.