Charge Density Waves on a Half-Filled Decorated Honeycomb Lattice

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Tight binding models like the Hubbard Hamiltonian are most often explored in the context of uniform intersite hopping $t$. The electron-electron interactions, if sufficiently large compared to this translationally invariant $t$, can give rise to ordered magnetic phases and Mott insulator transitions, especially at commensurate filling. The more complex situation of non-uniform $t$ has been studied within a number of situations, perhaps most prominently in multi-band geometries where there is a natural distinction of hopping between orbitals of different degree of overlap. In this paper we explore related questions arising from the interplay of multiple kinetic energy scales and electron-phonon interactions. Specifically, we use Determinant Quantum Monte Carlo (DQMC) to solve the half-filled Holstein Hamiltonian on a `decorated honeycomb lattice, consisting of hexagons with internal hopping $t$ coupled together by $t^{,prime}$. This modulation of the hopping introduces a gap in the Dirac spectrum and affects the nature of the topological phases. We determine the range of $t/t^{,prime}$ values which support a charge density wave (CDW) phase about the Dirac point of uniform hopping $t=t^{,prime}$, as well as the critical transition temperature $T_c$. The QMC simulations are compared with the results of Mean Field Theory (MFT).

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