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How far can we push deconvolution? A SCUBA-2 test case

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 نشر من قبل Stephen Serjeant
 تاريخ النشر 2019
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Stephen Serjeant

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How far can we use multi-wavelength cross-identifications to deconvolve far-infrared images? In this short research note I explore a test case of CLEAN deconvolutions of simulated confused 850 micron SCUBA-2 data, and explore the possible scientific applications of combining this data with ostensibly deeper TolTEC Large Scale Structure (LSS) survey 1.1mm-2mm data. I show that the SCUBA-2 can be reconstructed to the 1.1mm LMT resolution and achieve an 850 micron deconvolved sensitivity of 0.7 mJy RMS, an improvement of at least ~1:5x over naive point source filtered images. The TolTEC/SCUBA-2 combination can constrain cold (<10K) observed-frame colour temperatures, where TolTEC alone cannot.

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