Confronting the coloured sector of the MRSSM with LHC data

الملخص بالإنكليزية

R-symmetry leads to a distinct low energy realisation of SUSY with a significantly modified colour-charged sector featuring a Dirac gluino and scalar colour octets (sgluons). In the present work we recast results from LHC BSM searches to discuss the impact of R-symmetry on the squark and gluino mass limits. We work in the framework of the Minimal R-symmetric Supersymmetric Standard Model and take into account the NLO corrections to the squark production cross sections in the MRSSM that have become available recently. We find substantially weaker limits on squark masses compared to the MSSM: for simple scenarios with heavy gluinos and degenerate squarks, the MRSSM mass limit is $m_{tilde q} > 1.7$ TeV, approximately 600 GeV lower than in the MSSM.

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