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Moving planes for domain walls in a coupled system

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 نشر من قبل Amandine Aftalion
 تاريخ النشر 2019
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 تأليف Amandine Aftalion

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The system leading to phase segregation in two-component Bose-Einstein condensates can be generalized to hyperfine spin states with a Rabi term coupling. This leads to domain wall solutions having a monotone structure for a non-cooperative system. We use the moving plane method to prove mono-tonicity and one-dimensionality of the phase transition solutions. This relies on totally new estimates for a type of system for which no Maximum Principle a priori holds. We also derive that one dimensional solutions are unique up to translations. When the Rabi coefficient is large, we prove that no non-constant solutions can exist.

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اقرأ أيضاً

We review classical results where the method of the moving planes has been used to prove symmetry properties for overdetermined PDEs boundary value problems (such as Serrins overdetermined problem) and for rigidity problems in geometric analysis (lik e Alexandrov soap bubble Theorem), and we give an overview of some recent results related to quantitative studies of the method of moving planes, where quantitative approximate symmetry results are obtained.
We prove existence, uniqueness, and regularity for a reaction-diffusion system of coupled bulk-surface equations on a moving domain modelling receptor-ligand dynamics in cells. The nonlinear coupling between the three unknowns is through the Robin bo undary condition for the bulk quantity and the right hand sides of the two surface equations. Our results are new even in the non-moving setting, and in this case we also show exponential convergence to a steady state. The primary complications in the analysis are indeed the nonlinear coupling and the Robin boundary condition. For the well posedness and essential boundedness of solutions we use several De Giorgi-type arguments, and we also develop some useful estimates to allow us to apply a Steklov averaging technique for time-dependent operators to prove that solutions are strong. Some of these auxiliary results presented in this paper are of independent interest by themselves.
We present a characterization of the domain wall solutions arising as minimizers of an energy functional obtained in a suitable asymptotic regime of micromagnetics for infinitely long thin film ferromagnetic strips in which the magnetization is force d to lie in the film plane. For the considered energy, we provide existence, uniqueness, monotonicity, and symmetry of the magnetization profiles in the form of 180$^circ$ and 360$^circ$ walls. We also demonstrate how this energy arises as a $Gamma$-limit of the reduced two-dimensional thin film micromagnetic energy that captures the non-local effects associated with the stray field, and characterize its respective energy minimizers.
Antiferromagnetic materials are outstanding candidates for next generation spintronic applications, because their ultrafast spin dynamics makes it possible to realize several orders of magnitude higher-speed devices than conventional ferromagnetic ma terials1. Though spin-transfer torque (STT) is a key for electrical control of spins as successfully demonstrated in ferromagnetic spintronics, experimental understanding of STT in antiferromagnets has been still lacking despite a number of pertinent theoretical studies2-5. Here, we report experimental results on the effects of STT on domain-wall (DW) motion in antiferromagnetically-coupled ferrimagnets. We find that non-adiabatic STT acts like a staggered magnetic field and thus can drive DWs effectively. Moreover, the non-adiabaticity parameter {beta} of STT is found to be significantly larger than the Gilbert damping parameter {alpha}, challenging our conventional understanding of the non-adiabatic STT based on ferromagnets as well as leading to fast current-induced antiferromagnetic DW motion. Our study will lead to further vigorous exploration of STT for antiferromagnetic spin textures for fundamental physics on spin-charge interaction as wells for efficient electrical control of antiferromagnetic devices.
298 - Nir Dror , Boris A. Malomed , 2011
We investigate 1D and 2D radial domain-wall (DW) states in the system of two nonlinear-Schr{o}dinger/Gross-Pitaevskii equations, which are coupled by the linear mixing and by the nonlinear XPM (cross-phase-modulation). The system has straightforward applications to two-component Bose-Einstein condensates, and to the bimodal light propagation in nonlinear optics. In the former case, the two components represent different hyperfine atomic states, while in the latter setting they correspond to orthogonal polarizations of light. Conditions guaranteeing the stability of flat continuous wave (CW) asymmetric bimodal states are established, followed by the study of families of the corresponding DW patterns. Approximate analytical solutions for the DWs are found near the point of the symmetry-breaking bifurcation of the CW states. An exact DW solution is produced for ratio 3:1 of the XPM and SPM coefficients. The DWs between flat asymmetric states, which are mirror images to each other, are completely stable, and all other species of the DWs, with zero crossings in one or two components, are fully unstable. Interactions between two DWs are considered too, and an effective potential accounting for the attraction between them is derived analytically. Direct simulations demonstrate merger and annihilation of the interacting DWs. The analysis is extended for the system including single- and double-peak external potentials. Generic solutions for trapped DWs are obtained in a numerical form, and their stability is investigated. An exact stable solution is found for the DW trapped by a single-peak potential. In the 2D geometry, stable two-component vortices are found, with topological charges s=1,2,3. Radial oscillations of annular DW-shaped pulsons, with s=0,1,2, are studied too. A linear relation between the period of the oscillations and the mean radius of the DW ring is derived analytically.
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