Spatio-kinematical model of the collimated molecular outflow in the water-fountain nebula IRAS 16342-3814

الملخص بالإنكليزية

In this work we aimed to describe the three-dimensional morphology and kinematics of the molecular gas of the water-fountain nebula IRAS 16342-3814. In order to do this, we retrieved data from the ALMA archive to analyse it using a simple spatio-kinematical model. We used the software SHAPE to construct a three-dimensional spatio-kinematical model of the molecular gas in IRAS 16342-3814. By reproducing the intensity distribution and position-velocity diagram of the CO emission from the ALMA observations we derived the morphology and velocity field of the gas. We used CO(1-0) data to support the physical interpretation of the model. A spatio-kinematical model that includes a high-velocity collimated outflow embedded within material expanding at relatively lower velocity reproduces the images and position-velocity diagrams from the observations. The high-velocity collimated outflow exhibits deceleration across its length, while the velocity of the surrounding component increases with distance. The morphology of the emitting region; the velocity field and the mass of the gas as function of velocity are in excellent agreement with the properties predicted for a molecular outflow driven by a jet. The timescale of the molecular outflow is estimated to be ~70-100 years. An oscillating pattern was found associated to the high-velocity collimated outflow. The oscillation period of the pattern is T~60-90 years and its opening angle is ~2 degrees. The CO (3-2) emission in IRAS 16342-3814 is interpreted in terms of a jet-driven molecular outflow expanding along an elongated region. The position-velocity diagram and the mass spectrum reveal a feature due to entrained material that is associated to the driving jet. It is likely that the jet in those objects has already disappeared since it is expected to last only for a couple of hundred years.

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