The Close AGN Reference Survey (CARS). A massive multi-phase outflow impacting the edge-on galaxy HE1353-1917

الملخص بالإنكليزية

[Abridged] We combine extensive spatially-resolved multi-wavelength observations, taken as part of the Close AGN Reference Survey (CARS), for the edge-on disc galaxy HE1353-1917 to characterize the impact of the AGN on its host galaxy via outflows and radiation. Multi-color broad-band photometry is combined with spatially-resolved optical, NIR and sub-mm and radio observations taken with VLT/MUSE, Gemini-N/NIFS, ALMA and the VLA to map the physical properties and kinematics of the multi-phase inter-stellar medium (ISM). We detect a biconical extended narrow-line region (ENLR) ionized by the luminous AGN oriented nearly parallel to the galaxy disc, extending out to at least 25kpc. The extra-planar gas originates from galactic fountains initiated by star formation processes in the disc, rather than an AGN outflow, as shown by the kinematics and the metallicity of the gas. Nevertheless, a fast multi-phase AGN-driven outflow with speeds up to 1000km/s is detected close to the nucleus at 1kpc distance. A radio jet, in connection with the AGN radiation field, is likely responsible for driving the outflow as confirmed by the energetics and the spatial alignment of the jet and multi-phase outflow. Evidence for negative AGN feedback suppressing the star formation rate (SFR) is mild and restricted to the central kpc. But while any SFR suppression must have happened recently, the outflow has the potential to greatly impact the future evolution of the galaxy disc due to its geometrical orientation. Our observations reveal that low-power radio jets can play a major role in driving fast multi-phase galaxy-scale outflows even in radio-quiet AGN. Since the outflow energetics for HE1353-1917 are consistent with literature scaling relations of AGN-driven outflows the contribution of radio jets as the driving mechanisms still needs to be systematically explored.

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