Hyperon I: Study of the $Lambda(1405)$

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Low-energy data on the three charge states in $gamma p to K^+(Sigmapi)$ from CLAS at JLab, on $K^-pto pi^0pi^0Lambda$ and $pi^0pi^0Sigma$ from the Crystal Ball at BNL, bubble chamber data on $K^-ptopi^-pi^+pi^{pm}Sigma^{mp}$, low-energy total cross sections on $K^-$ induced reactions, and data on the $K^-p$ atom are fitted with the BnGa partial-wave-analysis program. We find that the data can be fitted well with just one isoscalar spin-1/2 negative-parity pole, the $Lambda(1405)$, and background contributions.

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