The Next Generation Celestial Reference Frame

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Astrometry, the measurement of positions and motions of the stars, is one of the oldest disciplines in Astronomy, extending back at least as far as Hipparchus discovery of the precession of Earths axes in 190 BCE by comparing his catalog with those of his predecessors. Astrometry is fundamental to Astronomy, and critical to many aspects of Astrophysics and Geodesy. In order to understand our planets and solar systems context within their surroundings, we must be able to to define, quantify, study, refine, and maintain an inertial frame of reference relative to which all positions and motions can be unambiguously and self-consistently described. It is only by using this inertial reference frame that we are able to disentangle our observations of the motions of celestial objects from our own complex path around our star, and its path through the galaxy, and the local group. Every aspect of each area outlined in the call for scientific frontiers in astronomy in the era of the 2020-2030 timeframe will depend on the quality of the inertial reference frame. In this white paper, we propose support for development of radio Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) capabilities, including the Next Generation Very Large Array (ngVLA), a radio astronomy observatory that will not only support development of a next generation reference frame of unprecedented accuracy, but that will also serve as a highly capable astronomical instrument in its own right. Much like its predecessors, the Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) and other VLBI telescopes, the proposed ngVLA will provide the foundation for the next three decades for the fundamental reference frame, benefitting astronomy, astrophysics, and geodesy alike.

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