We report a new many body phenomena called Nearly order from quantum disorder phenomena (NOFQD). We demonstrate the NOFQD in the experimentally realized weakly interacting Quantum Anomalous Hall system of spinor bosons in an optical lattice. We establish intrinsic connections between the phenomenological GL theory and the microscopic calculations on the effective potential. Connections with the bilayer quantum Hall system with a total filling factor $ u_T=1 $ are made. Some insightful analogy with $ NAdS_2/NCFT_1 $ ( where $ N $ also means nearly ) correspondence in the context of Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev models are hinted. Two types of OFQDs are classified, one response trivially, another non-trivially to a small deformation to the Hamiltonian leading to NOFQD. The NOFQD can be detected in the current cold atom bosonic quantum anomalous Hall experiments and may also appear in many other frustrated systems.
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