On the Complexity of a $2+1$--dimensional Holographic Superconductor

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We present the results of our computation of the subregion complexity and also compare it with the entanglement entropy of a $2+1$--dimensional holographic superconductor which has a fully backreacted gravity dual with a stable ground sate. We follow the complexity equals volume or the CV conjecture. We find that there is only a single divergence for a strip entangling surface and the complexity grows linearly with the large strip width. During the normal phase the complexity increases with decreasing temperature, but during the superconducting phase it behaves differently depending on the order of phase transition. We also show that the universal term is finite and the phase transition occurs at the same critical temperature as obtained previously from the free energy computation of the system. In one case, we observe multivaluedness in the complexity in the form of an S curve.

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