Topology and localization of a periodically driven Kitaev model

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Periodically driven quantum many-body systems support anomalous topological phases of matter, which cannot be realized by static systems. In many cases, these anomalous phases can be many-body localized, which implies that they are stable and do not heat up as a result of the driving. What types of anomalous topological phenomena can be stabilized in driven systems, and in particular, can an anomalous phase exhibiting non-Abelian anyons be stabilized? We address this question using an exactly solvable, stroboscopically driven 2D Kitaev spin model, in which anisotropic exchange couplings are boosted at consecutive time intervals. The model shows a rich phase diagram which contains anomalous topological phases. We characterize these phases using weak and strong scattering-matrix invariants defined for the fermionic degrees of freedom. Of particular importance is an anomalous phase whose zero flux sector exhibits fermionic bands with zero Chern numbers, while a vortex binds a pair of Majorana modes, which as we show support non-Abelian braiding statistics. We further show that upon adding disorder, the zero flux sector of the model becomes localized. However, the model does not remain localized for a finite density of vortices. Hybridization of Majorana modes bound to vortices form vortex bands, which delocalize by either forming Chern bands or a thermal metal phase. We conclude that while the model cannot be many-body localized, it may still exhibit long thermalization times, owing to the necessity to create a finite density of vortices for delocalization to occur.

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