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Semigroups generated by partitions

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 نشر من قبل Oleksiy Dovgoshey
 تاريخ النشر 2019
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف O. Dovgoshey

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Let $X$ be a nonempty set and $X^{2}$ be the Cartesian square of $X$. Some semigroups of binary relations generated partitions of $X^2$ are studied. In particular, the algebraic structure of semigroups generated by the finest partition of $X^{2}$ and, respectively, by the finest symmetric partition of $X^{2}$ are described.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

156 - Delio Mugnolo 2013
We survey some known results about operator semigroup generated by operator matrices with diagonal or coupled domain. These abstract results are applied to the characterization of well-/ill-posedness for a class of evolution equations with dynamic bo undary conditions on domains or metric graphs. In particular, our ill-posedness results on the heat equation with general Wentzell-type boundary conditions complement those previously obtained by, among others, Bandle-von Below-Reichel and Vitillaro-Vazquez.
We present a survey of results on profinite semigroups and their link with symbolic dynamics. We develop a series of results, mostly due to Almeida and Costa and we also include some original results on the Schutzenberger groups associated to a uniformly recurrent set.
145 - D. G. FitzGerald 2019
As an appropriate generalisation of the features of the classical (Schein) theory of representations of inverse semigroups in $mathscr{I}_{X}$, a theory of representations of inverse semigroups by homomorphisms into complete atomistic inverse algebra s is developed. This class of inverse algebras includes partial automorphism monoids of entities such as graphs, vector spaces and modules. A workable theory of decompositions is reached; however complete distributivity is required for results approaching those of the classical case.
A congruence on an inverse semigroup $S$ is determined uniquely by its kernel and trace. Denoting by $rho_k$ and $rho_t$ the least congruence on $S$ having the same kernel and the same trace as $rho$, respectively, and denoting by $omega$ the univers al congruence on $S$, we consider the sequence $omega$, $omega_k$, $omega_t$, $(omega_k)_t$, $(omega_t)_k$, $((omega_k)_t)_k$, $((omega_t)_k)_t$, $cdots$. The quotients ${S/omega_k}$, ${S/omega_t}$, ${S/(omega_k)_t}$, ${S/(omega_t)_k}$, ${S/((omega_k)_t)_k}$, ${S/((omega_t)_k)_t}$, $cdots$, as $S$ runs over all inverse semigroups, form quasivarieties. This article explores the relationships among these quasivarieties.
We study algebraic and topological properties of the convolution semigroups of probability measures on a topological groups and show that a compact Clifford topological semigroup $S$ embeds into the convolution semigroup $P(G)$ over some topological group $G$ if and only if $S$ embeds into the semigroup $exp(G)$ of compact subsets of $G$ if and only if $S$ is an inverse semigroup and has zero-dimensional maximal semilattice. We also show that such a Clifford semigroup $S$ embeds into the functor-semigroup $F(G)$ over a suitable compact topological group $G$ for each weakly normal monadic functor $F$ in the category of compacta such that $F(G)$ contains a $G$-invariant element (which is an analogue of the Haar measure on $G$).
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