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Non-equilibrium driven by an external torque in the presence of a magnetic field

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 نشر من قبل Chulan Kwon
 تاريخ النشر 2019
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We investigate a motion of a colloid in a harmonic trap driven out of equilibrium by an external non-conservative force producing a torque in the presence of a uniform magnetic field. We find that steady state exists only for a proper range of parameters such as mass, viscosity coefficient, and stiffness of the harmonic potential, and the magnetic field, which is not observed in the overdamped limit. We derive the existence condition for the steady state. We examine the combined influence of the non-conservative force and the magnetic field on non-equilibrium characteristics such as non-Boltzmann steady-state probability distribution function, probability currents, entropy production, position-velocity correlation, and violation of fluctuation-dissipation relation.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We investigate the motion of a colloidal particle driven out of equilibrium by an external torque. We use the molecular dynamics simulation that is alternative to the numerical integration approach based on the Langevin equation and is expected to mi mic an experiment more realistically. We choose a heat bath composed of thousands of particles interacting to each other through the Lennard-Jones potential and impose the Langevin thermostat to maintain it in equilibrium. We prepare a single colloidal particle to interact with the particles of the heat bath also by the Lennard-Jones potential while any dissipative force and noise are not employed. We prepare the simulation protocol fit to the overdamped limit in real experiments by increasing the size and mass of the colloidal particle. We study the stochastic properties of the nonequilibrium fluctuations for work and heat produced incessantly in time. We accurately confirm the fluctuation theorem for the work production. We show our results to agree accurately with those from the numerical integration of the Langevin equation.
Motivated by the precedent study of Ordenes-Huanca and Velazquez [JSTAT textbf{093303} (2016)], we address the study of a simple model of a pure non-neutral plasma: a system of identical non-relativistic charged particles confined under an external h armonic field with frequency $omega$. We perform the equilibrium thermo-statistical analysis in the framework of continuum approximation. This study reveals the existence of two asymptotic limits: the known Brillouin steady state at zero temperature, and the gas of harmonic oscillators in the limit of high temperatures. The non-extensive character of this model is evidenced by the associated thermodynamic limit, $Nrightarrow+infty: U/N^{7/3}=const$, which coincides with the thermodynamic limit of a self-gravitating system of non-relativistic point particles in presence of Newtonian gravitation. Afterwards, the dynamics of this model is analyzed through numerical simulations. It is verified the agreement of thermo-statistical estimations and the temporal expectation values of the same macroscopic observables. The system chaoticity is addressed via numerical computation of Lyapunov exponents in the framework of the known emph{tangent dynamics}. The temperature dependence of Lyapunov exponent $lambda$ approaches to zero in the two asymptotic limits of this model, reaching its maximum during the transit between them. The chaos of the present model is very strong, since its rate is faster than the characteristic timescale of the microscopic dynamics $tau_{dyn}=1/omega$. A qualitative analysis suggests that such a strong chaoticity cannot be explained in terms of collision events because of their respective characteristic timescales are quite different, $tau_{ch}propto tau_{dyn}/N^{1/4}$ and $tau_{coll}propto tau_{dyn}$.
269 - G.M. Buendia , N. Hurtado 2007
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