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Portfolio Rebalancing under Uncertainty Using Meta-heuristic Algorithm

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 نشر من قبل Omid Mohaddesi
 تاريخ النشر 2018
  مجال البحث مالية
والبحث باللغة English

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In this paper, we solve portfolio rebalancing problem when security returns are represented by uncertain variables considering transaction costs. The performance of the proposed model is studied using constant-proportion portfolio insurance (CPPI) as rebalancing strategy. Numerical results showed that uncertain parameters and different belief degrees will produce different efficient frontiers, and affect the performance of the proposed model. Moreover, CPPI strategy performs as an insurance mechanism and limits downside risk in bear markets while it allows potential benefit in bull markets. Finally, using a globally optimization solver and genetic algorithm (GA) for solving the model, we concluded that the problem size is an important factor in solving portfolio rebalancing problem with uncertain parameters and to gain better results, it is recommended to use a meta-heuristic algorithm rather than a global solver.

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The paper solves the problem of optimal portfolio choice when the parameters of the asset returns distribution, like the mean vector and the covariance matrix are unknown and have to be estimated by using historical data of the asset returns. The new approach employs the Bayesian posterior predictive distribution which is the distribution of the future realization of the asset returns given the observable sample. The parameters of the posterior predictive distributions are functions of the observed data values and, consequently, the solution of the optimization problem is expressed in terms of data only and does not depend on unknown quantities. In contrast, the optimization problem of the traditional approach is based on unknown quantities which are estimated in the second step leading to a suboptimal solution. We also derive a very useful stochastic representation of the posterior predictive distribution whose application leads not only to the solution of the considered optimization problem, but provides the posterior predictive distribution of the optimal portfolio return used to construct a prediction interval. A Bayesian efficient frontier, a set of optimal portfolios obtained by employing the posterior predictive distribution, is constructed as well. Theoretically and using real data we show that the Bayesian efficient frontier outperforms the sample efficient frontier, a common estimator of the set of optimal portfolios known to be overoptimistic.
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