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Efficient synthesis of arbitrary quantum states and unitaries from a universal fault-tolerant gate-set e.g. Clifford+T is a key subroutine in quantum computation. As large quantum algorithms feature many qubits that encode coherent quantum information but remain idle for parts of the computation, these should be used if it minimizes overall gate counts, especially that of the expensive T-gates. We present a quantum algorithm for preparing any dimension-$N$ pure quantum state specified by a list of $N$ classical numbers, that realizes a trade-off between space and T-gates. Our scheme uses $mathcal{O}(log{(N/epsilon)})$ clean qubits and a tunable number of $sim(lambdalog{(frac{log{N}}{epsilon})})$ dirty qubits, to reduce the T-gate cost to $mathcal{O}(frac{N}{lambda}+lambdalog^2{frac{N}{epsilon}})$. This trade-off is optimal up to logarithmic factors, proven through an unconditional gate counting lower bound, and is, in the best case, a quadratic improvement in T-count over prior ancillary-free approaches. We prove similar statements for unitary synthesis by reduction to state preparation.
The Quantum State Preparation problem aims to prepare an n-qubit quantum state $|psi_vrangle=sum_{k=0}^{2^n-1}v_k|krangle$ from initial state $|0rangle^{otimes n}$, for a given vector $v=(v_0,ldots,v_{2^n-1})inmathbb{C}^{2^n}$ with $|v|_2=1$. The pro
We reduce the extra qubits needed for two fault-tolerant quantum computing protocols: error correction, specifically syndrome bit measurement, and cat state preparation. For distance-three fault-tolerant syndrome extraction, we show an exponential re
Entanglement generation in trapped-ion systems has relied thus far on two distinct but related geometric phase gate techniques: Molmer-Sorensen and light-shift gates. We recently proposed a variant of the light-shift scheme where the qubit levels are
We study a method of producing approximately diagonal 1-qubit gates. For each positive integer, the method provides a sequence of gates that are defined iteratively from a fixed diagonal gate and an arbitrary gate. These sequences are conjectured to
We demonstrate diabatic two-qubit gates with Pauli error rates down to $4.3(2)cdot 10^{-3}$ in as fast as 18 ns using frequency-tunable superconducting qubits. This is achieved by synchronizing the entangling parameters with minima in the leakage cha